1JZ Starter/Cranking Problem

So i have a 1990 1jz swap and have had it for about 2 months now. First got it everything worked great. Started up fine, motor sounds strong. About a month into having it, it would give me the long crank problem. Did some searching most people said it was the crank sensor. Ran the OBD1 Test and it gave me code 12 which is the crank sensor. Replaced it and it worked fine after a few trys. Been 4 days since changing the crank sensor and its happening all over again. Sometimes it cranks and is it doesn't crank at all. It's not a fuel issue because i hear the fuel pump priming. Have had me and some friends looking at it and we are all completely stumped. No idea what is going on.

Please give me some help as this is my DD and have no other form of transportation.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
If the car doesnt crank over its starter or wiring issue. Has nothing to do with crank sensor or tccs.


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
Key doesn't need to be on for that.

When you do that with a power probe(which not everyone has) just need to check wether or not the starter actually works.

If it does and still doesn't crank you have a wiring issue.
Has anybody ever had problems with starting their car because of an aftermarket alarm? we found wiring for an old aftermarket alarm and a kill switch. Never was given an alarm fob or told about an alarm system. Kills switch does absolutely nothing but car is still hooked up too the aftermarket alarm. will be checking that wiring out on my next day off which is tuesday


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
If the starter is completely dead it will not make any sounds.

Take a wire with 12v from the battery and give the plug on the starter 12v. Takes 5 min to do and will tell you whether or not your starter is good.

Without testing anything yourself your not going to get a 100% positive answer. Of you don't know then take it to a shop.


New Member
Nov 6, 2008
San Diego, CA
hvyman;1931692 said:
If the starter is completely dead it will not make any sounds.

Take a wire with 12v from the battery and give the plug on the starter 12v. Takes 5 min to do and will tell you whether or not your starter is good.

Without testing anything yourself your not going to get a 100% positive answer. Of you don't know then take it to a shop.

I have an after market alarm and have no issue with starting. Also checking the starter should be the easiest and first thing you do to rule that out, if it clicks or makes noise then it you know it's getting power. Also make sure your battery is charged enough, give it a jump and try starting it. If you turn the key and the lights dim the battery is low, if the lights are fine and you are good on power then it could be the starter. A couple of Toyota Techs I know have all told me that Toyota starters don't really go out and that a lot of times it's the contacts with in the starter that need to be replaced.

S.A. supra

New Member
Feb 15, 2009
Buda, Texas
if its a 1j starter they will just die........the 7m starter will give you plenty of warning click click start, but the 1j won't give you any. bench test tbe starter. Is it a original 1j or a 7m starter?


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Burnaby, BC
This happens to me a lot. Might be your battery. My battery is old and I occasionally get this problem where the car doesn't wanna turn over but everything else works. I would suggest maybe getting a new battery if yours is getting a bit old?