quim mk3;1837087 said:for only making 400 hp you are much better off going the 7m route. As long as you build it correctly with supporting mods those engines don't have a problem with that horsepower. The 1jz takes a lot of time and money, not to mention the headaches that are sure to come with it installing it (also if you want parts for those engines expect to wait a week or so to get them because you won't find many parts in stores. Only parts that are similar between the 1 and 2j). Now if the 400 is only a stepping stone and you are wanting to make over 500 than go the 1jz route. Take this into consideration with OnejArpus's reply. Those are the minimum on top of what is needed to get that engine in as well. Also, like what everyone else was saying, you will be spending over 3k for a 1jz swap (if you find a way to do it under you are either running a lot of cheap parts or crazy good and finding parts for cheap).
Ill proly stay at 400hp. 400 hp in a 2800 lbs car should be fun. How much does an average MK3 weigh ? targa top.