That's another thing I hadn't thought of, the wastegates. However, if only one of them is stuck open, it'll still boost to full pressure, just not as quickly. Before I replaced my y-pipe, turns out the e-clip that holds the wastegate actuator on to the front turbo was missing, fallen off, whatever. Turbo still spooled ~8-9psi, but took until ~4000 rpm to do so. Try wiggling the actuator arms. If they move much at all, there's a good chance that they're not working right. Have a spare turbo around somewhere? You'll see what I mean, how they're connected, etc...
Oh, and I installed a boost controller over the weekend. Did something wrong (not looking for advice here, I'll figure it out, but it is slightly relevant), and was hitting over 15psi. At ~17-18psi, it started breaking up and bucking rather harshly. Fuel cut, so that's not your problem I suspect.