1JZ Blow Crank and Cam sensor 5 minutes of Idling


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
South Richmond Hill, NY
My 1J is not getting spark.
After the swap the motor started right up and i only started it up two times for about 10 sec. Couple days after i got the Hydro, PS and Radiator all hook up. I started the motor and let it idle, after about 5-10 minutes the motor shut down and wont start. i found out im not getting spark, so i tested the Crank and Cam Sensor and im not getting any resistance.
How is it possible to blow all three sensor?
I dont want to replace them and have them blow again.

Thanks in Advance


New Member
Mar 4, 2010
Tucson, az
so absolutely no readings from the cam and crank sensor? i know that these sensor definetly affect spark i had a similar issue... as far as why all three would go out at once, not sure why this would happen. what i ended up doing is trying another known working converted harness and go from there... know anyone locally with harness and ECU you can test to help troubleshoot?

ps i have 2 cam sensors if yours are bad.


New Member
Jul 30, 2010
South Richmond Hill, NY
Well today I try a different tester and got some result.
I got
Cam both was around 1100 and crank was 1156 also tested another crank and got about the same thing.
They are guys around but noone wants to help
Thanks I will let you know if I need them.


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I'd check the igniter next, if you have a wiring problem doing the igniter tests will point you towards what wire is the problem (if the problem isn't just the igniter).

Are the injectors pulsing when you crank it? If not then pull the ECU cover and check the capacitors for leakage.