1996 Volkswagen Polo 1.4


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Thought i should post a build thread on this, seeing as i tend to do more work on this, than on either of the Supras!


This has become part of my 'collection' just before christmas, thanks to a friend of mine. It was abandoned by his ex-wifes brothers girlfriend, and she washed her hands of it, and my friend was given the task of junking it, however, it's too good to just chuck out. So I said 'i'll take it if you don't mind, I could use a daily driver!'

It wasn't badly specced - power steering, electric windows, electric mirrors, a sunroof (not electric though), split fold rear seats and a rev counter - so not the average bargain basement model either!

Was parked in a hedge for almost the last three months, turning the trim that lovely putrescent green moss effect i'm sure we're all familiar with.

All it needed was a jump start and it fired into life first time, drove like a champ. It's only got 60 horsies, but its nippy enough as a daily driver and it doesn't wander all over the road or anything terminally worrying.

There were, however, a few niggles though, and i'll list them:

1) Electric window regulator on Passenger Side broke the clips holding the glass to the regulator - ANNOYING, but easily fixed.
2) Electric window on Drivers side seemingly posessed by a stroppy woman, opens only if/when it wants to.
3) Radio doesn't work (hardly important)
4) Exhaust front silencer needed replacing
5) Needed a new hubcap (still needs it, too)
6) Parcel Shelf is AWOL - eBay time!
7) Faded paint on the bonnet & roof
8) Front Drivers Side headlamp has a stonechip in it - breakers yard, anyone? :D
9) Rust on the outer sills - somewhat ominous :/

So as you can see, it's not actually that badly off - I reckon...£100 in bits ought to have it properly running.

Here - have some more pictures:


Clean, isn't it? :)


PHWOAR! Check out the POWERRRRRRR :p

So...my intentions were to just get it running as a daily, and leave it alone - not hitting it with alloys, banded steelies, a lowering stick, matt black paint, rat look - nothing like that, just keeping it standard and after a few months.

All the paperwork seems to be coming together (Isle of Man is actually pretty damn efficient!), and i've fixed all but three problems on it now.

The sidelight is all fixed (turned out to be a bulb issue, solved with a new Xenon White one I had laying around from doing the dash illumination on the Supra).

The exhaust front silencer has been confirmed as the culprit (10p sized hole in it - replacement one is £25 off eBay), and was ordered the other day. Overnight parts from Germany, yo.

Then it's just the electric windows to sort out.

Anyway, it's about time I posted a few more pictures...

Seeing as the weather the last two days has been absolutely lovely, warm, light breeze, not a cloud in the sky or threat of rain, I thought it was about time to get some bodywork done.

Now, I was dreading this, as whenever I see paint bubbles, I assume the worst, and have mental images of the paint holding the bodypanel together - i'm sure you know what I mean!

Anyway, out came the 80 grit grinder wheel and I stripped the sections of the drivers side that most urgently needed attention. To my surprise, it looked mostly like it was just the paint that had lifted off. Bit more of the sander, and a few taps with the screwdriver and the sill and arch were 95% sound. No pinholes in the sill, just a crusty surface in the sill/arch gap, and at the rear arch. Filler would be more than enough on this side, I think!

The french use mostly the same sort of body filler you get in the UK - Sintofer branded stuff. Aaaah the smell of styrene & dibenzoyl peroxide, that takes me back! This stuff mixes like porridge at first, but sets VERY quickly, it took me a little by surprise. Had to do two coats in the end (and possibly a third quick skim tomorrow).

This is what it looked like after the filler went on:


Sanded it all back with 80 grit, then wet & dry in 120, 240 and finally 400 grit for now - although i'll probably go to 800 or so later on, the light was starting to fade, and it was starting to show signs of getting colder, and I don't want to spray when it's cold!

End results here:




Then came the masking up and the painting - the only bit I actually dislike, but I was determined to give it as good a go as I could.

Here - the end result, and how it all sits now - don't judge me too harshly, i've not done any bodywork since I was 14! (I'm 29 now)


Happy with this one - nothing more needed on this I think, once painted up, you'd never know it had been done!


Only about 85% happy with this one though, you can still just about see the small dinks down the bottom that didn't sand out.


This one felt perfectly smooth to my fingers, but after spraying, you can see it needs another skim of filler and some more sanding, before it's re-primed.

Question is - can I fill over a primed surface, or do I have to sand back and start again?

Now you see why I hate bodywork! :p




Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Overnight parts from Germany, yo.

I like your sense of humor sir... This might be the slowest car with a build thread on SM haha! I kinda wish you could even buy cars that simple here anymore, to be honest...


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
A reply?! *dies of shock* ;)

Well...it's not fast by any means, but its not exactly slow, either. Feels quick enough, thanks to its light weight, and short wheelbase. Despite that, it still feels solidly put together. I'm actually enjoying this car more than the Supra. I took the Supra out yesterday, and mashed the throttle into the carpet, and i was underwhelmed (exhaust manifold gasket leaking and valve lash had something to do with that) - but every time i drive it now, the smile on my face lessens :/

This little polo, you get in it, and within 100 yards, you feel HAPPY. It's a HAPPY car that puts me in a good mood!


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
I have to admit I was half expecting the whole 'scene' Volkswagen thing when I opened this. You know, the cut springs, soft toys hanging from towing eyes, 165 section tyres mounted on 9J rims, 'stickerbombed' panels, etc. I'm glad I was wrong!


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
A man very clearly after my own heart ;).

The one and only reason I bought a 205 instead of a MK2/MK3 Polo as my first car like I had intended is that I couldn't stand the amount of 'scene' tripe on the forums.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I understand the whole small car = fun thing man, it's why I've started looking for another Miata... Future project/DD. ;)


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Not gonna happen :p

The most that's going to be done to this engine, is fitting the camshaft from a Mk2F Polo GT. That's a 1.3 engine, same EA111 design, but the cam will be about 4/5 teeth out - so i'll need a vernier pulley to use it. That instantly adds about 13-15hp. After that, *maybe* get a chip from farfignugen tuning to squeeze another 3hp out of it. 78hp overall, in something that weighs next to nothing, will be more than enough. To be honest, i rather like the rev happy nature of the engine, and the 47mpg economy i get out of it :D


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Kai, Kai, Kai... a 2jz moving that kind of weight would have to work VERY little, you'd see at LEAST 47mpg with the mighty Supra engine. They're rev happy too. :p


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
No room for it in the bay, and i don't have $2200 for one either - if i did, i'd be dropping one in one of the two Supra's here!

The biggest factory engine that's plug & play in the polo shell, is the 2.0 litre 16v ABF - 150hp N/A. I have one in my Mk3 Golf GTi 16v, but that's staying firmly where it is!


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Kai, allow me to introduce you to the swap hammer:


They'll make any swap possible. :D


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
Do yourself a favour and sell that POS right away. Friend had one from new and nothing but incredible amounts of trouble. It had TWO manual gearboxes and a clutch put in it before 100k kms plus many, many other problems.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
No. There's nothing wrong with this. I know about VW's. Yes, the gearboxes aren't particularly strong, but look at the hp & torque of the engines used. I find that a lot of people saying 'oh my friend had one of these and they suck' generally have no clue what they're doing with the cars in question.


New Member
Jun 30, 2007
Kai;1822676 said:
No. There's nothing wrong with this. I know about VW's. Yes, the gearboxes aren't particularly strong, but look at the hp & torque of the engines used. I find that a lot of people saying 'oh my friend had one of these and they suck' generally have no clue what they're doing with the cars in question.

That would imply the dealers and technicians who work on these chunks have no clue either, as the vehicle was VW serviced and repaired through it's whole life.
Brazil are good at many things, but reliable cars is not one of them.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
...this has been nowhere near brazil, either. This one was assembled in Wolfsburg, Germany. And yes, the dealers and techs are often clueless. I got told by my local one that 'oh you might need to replace the carburettor'. It's multipoint fuel injection. The 6N's never had carbs. I'm still not getting rid of it.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
It's this sort of thing that makes me worry about German cars built anywhere but Germany (new Passat comes to mind), Japanese cars not built in Japan, American cars not built in America, British cars built by... well, anyone but British people these days...

You see where I'm going with this though, it seems once a car is built somewhere other than it's home country, quality tends to suffer... For example, all my Japanese cars, have been built in Japan. Quality control really kept an eye on them, even the cheaper models were VERY nice cars. My brother's classic American cars? VERY nice cars. The 2001 SS I at one point had? Built in Canada using parts from Mexico, with an American name on the badge... biggest POS I've ever owned. :nono:

All that said Kai, you should be fine. :)


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
This model of Polo was assembled in a few different countries, and never heard of any of them going 'bad', at least not in the way that was described. Most of them are pretty solid and simple enough that you can't really get it wrong.

BTW - British cars don't really exist anymore. Unfortunately, Bristol went bankrupt through lack of demand, Rover went bankrupt after massive financial mismanagement, Jaguar & Land Rover are now owned by the indians, TVR was bought by some Russian businessboy that did so many things to fuck up the company i'm not sure they'll ever return properly (ie, if they come back, it'll be in name only). Hillman & the rest of the rootes group was killed by Chrysler's piss poor management in the 70's - the British automotive industry is very much dead at this point, with little more than niche manufacturers like Caterham & Atom etc still just about hanging in there.