So, I picked up my bone stock Mystic about a month ago, few kills and one loss so far... :mj: Supra I just bought is most likely going up for sale next week to fund Snake build, loss made me REAL mad. I don't really know why, I had originally intended to leave the Cobra stock as a nice, reliable, quick DD and I bought the Supra specifically for go-fast. Oh well.
I was on my way back from lunch and ran into my buddy with a 96 Cobra with I/E/4.30s/UDPs. We ran twice, once from a dig and once from a 40ish roll. I got him both times, by about half a car from a dig and by a car or more from the roll. Driver mod FTW? Raced his car again later, three or four more times from a dig and thrice more from a 35 roll. Driver was MUCH better than him, got me by about a car from a dig until around 70 when I'd start catching him. Ate him alive from every roll (first gear every time, stock gears are HILARIOUS. 3.27s). Needless to say, the kid was PISSED. He bought a nitrous kit and ended up selling the car before we could run again.
After the first two of those races, just a few miles down the road, I had some douche in a 96-98 V6 with an autozone turbo badge on the bumper fly by me. Obviously you all know how that went, just thought I'd throw this in here for laughs.
Raced one of my old Supras, an 89 turbo targa 5 speed with a full 3" and a boost controller. He was pegging 12PSI and dropping to 6 pretty quick, didn't go well for him. Haven't ran him since I fixed it, but all three of the first races were 200+ yards by 100... Still think I can out run him, rematch in the near future :biglaugh:
Cruising up to Indy (big car scene on the south side) I ran into a boosted Civic hatch (92-95) on the highway. Went from a 50 roll, I didn't know he was boosted in the first run so I just put it in fourth, he pulled about a car and a half on me. Next three runs were on the interstate, 65ish rolls in second. Pulled about two cars on him, maybe a little more. Last run was about ten minutes later, his turbo was significantly louder and he only lost by about half a car. He was breaking up pretty bad, though. I think he cranked the boost up and didn't have the spark to get the job done. Didn't bother stopping to find out mods.
RX8. 20 roll. Nuff said.
And finally, the loss. I ran a boosted old ass Civic hatch from a dig. Ran away from him til about 60 and then he BLEW past me still spinning. Turns out he had a decent sized turbo, but he gave me the usual ricer T3/T4 hybrid shit answer when I asked him about it later. He was pretty surprised and didn't believe my car was stock... Guess he didn't see the Snake on the side?
The loss made me pretty angry, so I'm looking at selling my Supra and buying gears, bolt ons and a nitrous set up and using the rest of the money to repaint my bumpers (typical clear fade). Not too sure how my stock motor will like a 200 shot, though. 80k babied original motor, and judging by the carbon that shot out the first 10-15 times I went WOT, probably hadn't seen 3k before I bought it. Pretty clean car overall, here are some pics. I have a few more on my other PC if anyone cares. 18" Anthracite FR500s coming soon. Sorry for the long post, enjoy.
I was on my way back from lunch and ran into my buddy with a 96 Cobra with I/E/4.30s/UDPs. We ran twice, once from a dig and once from a 40ish roll. I got him both times, by about half a car from a dig and by a car or more from the roll. Driver mod FTW? Raced his car again later, three or four more times from a dig and thrice more from a 35 roll. Driver was MUCH better than him, got me by about a car from a dig until around 70 when I'd start catching him. Ate him alive from every roll (first gear every time, stock gears are HILARIOUS. 3.27s). Needless to say, the kid was PISSED. He bought a nitrous kit and ended up selling the car before we could run again.
After the first two of those races, just a few miles down the road, I had some douche in a 96-98 V6 with an autozone turbo badge on the bumper fly by me. Obviously you all know how that went, just thought I'd throw this in here for laughs.
Raced one of my old Supras, an 89 turbo targa 5 speed with a full 3" and a boost controller. He was pegging 12PSI and dropping to 6 pretty quick, didn't go well for him. Haven't ran him since I fixed it, but all three of the first races were 200+ yards by 100... Still think I can out run him, rematch in the near future :biglaugh:
Cruising up to Indy (big car scene on the south side) I ran into a boosted Civic hatch (92-95) on the highway. Went from a 50 roll, I didn't know he was boosted in the first run so I just put it in fourth, he pulled about a car and a half on me. Next three runs were on the interstate, 65ish rolls in second. Pulled about two cars on him, maybe a little more. Last run was about ten minutes later, his turbo was significantly louder and he only lost by about half a car. He was breaking up pretty bad, though. I think he cranked the boost up and didn't have the spark to get the job done. Didn't bother stopping to find out mods.
RX8. 20 roll. Nuff said.
And finally, the loss. I ran a boosted old ass Civic hatch from a dig. Ran away from him til about 60 and then he BLEW past me still spinning. Turns out he had a decent sized turbo, but he gave me the usual ricer T3/T4 hybrid shit answer when I asked him about it later. He was pretty surprised and didn't believe my car was stock... Guess he didn't see the Snake on the side?
The loss made me pretty angry, so I'm looking at selling my Supra and buying gears, bolt ons and a nitrous set up and using the rest of the money to repaint my bumpers (typical clear fade). Not too sure how my stock motor will like a 200 shot, though. 80k babied original motor, and judging by the carbon that shot out the first 10-15 times I went WOT, probably hadn't seen 3k before I bought it. Pretty clean car overall, here are some pics. I have a few more on my other PC if anyone cares. 18" Anthracite FR500s coming soon. Sorry for the long post, enjoy.