I have a 1987 supra that blew up. i bought a 1989 7mge to put in it and the swap is done. the oil pans were a little dif in size but could not swap oil pan and oil pickup because the 89 had journals cut into oil pan at rear for the crank to ride through and the 87 oil pan did not so the crank would have hit the oilpan. Although the dif in the two was very very slight, for some reason the oilpan would not clear the cross member. it was about 3 inches to far forward. so in my frustration. i pulled the motor back out and smashed the cross member in with a sledge hammer to create enough room for oil pan to clear. Pretty dumb idea, it worked though, motor went in and i have put about 2500 miles on it since. my problem now is, what problems might i experience later on down the road from beating the hollow space out if the cross member, and for some reason the engine sits with the front end up a bit to far for some reason causing slight exhaust bolt up problems and for some reason there is a thumping noise when i drive. it almost sounds like the drive shaft hitting the floor of the car?? but it is not consistant and varies little with speed. just a dull thud from underneath the car, any ideas as to what that could be?? i know it is difficult to answer without hearing the sound but im at a loss as to what the sounf=d could be and what could be making the motor sit at that angle because it is completly clear of the crossmember. any ideas?? sorry for the lack of words to describe problems.