1969 Moon Landing


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Oh... yeah... the moonlanding was faked alright :nono:

You can see the landers with a good telescope. I've read all the arguements for both sides, and the side that claims it was faked is obsurd. NASA would have had to bring back enough pictures and telemetry to fool the entire scientific community... I would think that the greatest minds in areospace would be much more difficult to fool than some guys looking for a free way to pay their bills.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
My Dad was an electrician who worked on Apollo 6-11. As far as he knows, those rockets actually went to the moon. But I guess he could have been just as in the dark as all those people on the ground watching it launch. He did the job he was paid to do. Who actually knows though, where those rockets went.


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL

MDCmotorsports said:
I want to see what the new moon satellites are going to take pictures of. Then I'll say yay or nay.

you know the conspirorists (sp) are going to say the photos have been altered..
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New Member
May 1, 2006
Bristol. England
Watched a great program on the thoughts and arguments of those who dis-believe. Every argument they cam up with was so easily explained. No stars in the phots's!!!!! Of they go to the dessert (so no artifital Light) and take phots,s and hey presto the camrea does not pick them up theory squashed!!! The film was slow motion picture, again if you watch it there is no way that just slowing the film would make the way they walk look like .6 of gravity!!! Also the distances they cover between each step is quite far too. Again theory squashed!!!!!

I believe they went, to fool millions of people would be easy, but to keep 100's, maybe over a thousand peopole quiet for 38 years, never gonna happen. The achievment back then was amazing and they were very brave to strap themselves into that thing!!!


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
MDCmotorsports said:
I want to see what the new moon satellites are going to take pictures of. Then I'll say yay or nay.

I would assume the dark side, the side we know almost nothing about.

I will tell you that to think that the moonlanding was fake is to call Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad and Alan Bean, and 8 other brave men, all spineless cowards.

Between 1969 and 1972, 12 men walked on the moon. History remembers the strongest, the bravest, the boldest and the first, and thus we will remember Neil Armstrong and his words for all of civilization. Few will know Harrison Schmitt ever existed.

But to say the whole thing was fake is to discredit those dozens of men who strapped themselves to thousands of kilgrams of explosives and rode to an airless hell that could have, at any moment, taken their lives with the slightest whim.

After watching enough failed test flights of the Saturn V rockets... I'm very sure that anyone with an ounce of sanity would not want to get in one, and then ride it into the most hostile and inhospitable place in existance. Essentially, a frozen hell devoid of everything.

It pains me to think that there are people who lean back in their computer chairs and question the sacrifices these people were willing to make for all humans in the name of science.

Next time you whip out your cell phone, think of those sacrifices. If the apollo missions had failed, the space program would have been years behind what it is now. If Apollo 11 had exploded on the pad, it likely would have been a year until a new module could be built, and history would be much different.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Doesn't matter. The effect is all I care about, and it was obviously achieved that day, legitimately or not.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
"The belts are a hazard for artificial satellites and moderately dangerous for human beings, difficult and expensive to shield against."

Van Allen belt can be sheilded against... solar wind on the other hand, dunno...