thanks guys for backin me up. just callin in like i see it (well saw it i guess)
i know i spent a bit more time with my car than i should have a few years ago, which probably was the result of less female phone numbers in my cell than some of my friends (been trying to fix that one ever since. slow progress >_<). lol. thats ok. car might not be in the state it is now where im pretty pleased with it and dont feel i need to spend my entire next paycheck on the car.
while we're on the advice thing. i dont know what its like where you live, but teens and alcohol usually start to mix around 16, 17 or so... its never been my thing and i dont drink, but some other people who never drank in high school, well... i see those people now and they lose theirselves in the alcohol in college... and those that did all that heavy drinking in high school mellowed out now. im not gonna tell you straight up dont do it because its bad, but if its one of those things that youre gonna try regardless of what anyone tells you, do it with moderation and be smart about it. might be better to know what youre dealing with than to have it take over your life a bit later when you get to college and you could probably find a can of beer easier than a glass of water... ive never experienced it myself obviously, but ive seen more than enough what it does to people in excessive amounts...
anyway, happy b-day. time to get your license and all that

(is it still 16 where you are? i think someone told me they switched it to 18 in my state which i think kinda sucks, but oh well)