Part Duex.. The rates..
First, I'm not an agent, lawyer or anyone you can trust even. I have nothing to base any of this on other than my own personal opinion. I'm also not a medical professional, and you should be warned that using my advice is going wholly alone on your own personal opinon and views.

(Leagal mumbo jumbo.. don't you hate this shit?) LOL
Rates are a science. Seriously. It's how companies either make money, or have losses.
Most insurance companies now consider your credit scores as part of your risk assesment.
They look at your age, gender, driving record, citations, training and many other factors.
Your health can affect your rates in some cases too.
Many traditional rating conditions have been used over the years, and you can be sure they will drill down new ideas and generate new rate policies for various drivers in the years to come.
What I'm getting at is EVERY COMPANY IS DIFFERENT. Shop around. It pays as the same coverage limits/conditions can cost very different amounts of money from company to company.
There are some considerations however. Some companies are known to pay out even when there is no coverage, and when they are paying too much.. I will not mention State Farm... LOL
I will also not mention that Progressive is known to be fast with claims, but strict with coverage. And I will not tell you that Allstate claims department is hated by everyone they deal with. (Does not matter if you are their insured, or a claimant they SUCK and they are mean.)
Some companies have local agents, and some sell direct over the phone and internet.
Some companies have local adjusters, and some use independants.
WTF is an adjuster you asK? Or even an agent for that matter?
Agents SELL you the policy. (They can also help you find the amount of coverage you need, and suggest ways to cover all the small details you might miss when purchasing the policy, but want when there is a loss...)
Adjusters use that policy to provide coverage when you have a loss, or use it to deny coverage when you don't have any due to exclusions or fraud. We deal with the repairs, the disposal of salvage and injuries to the people involved in the loss.
A "Claim" is generated when you have a "Loss." (File is created when you crash.)
Generally, the claim is assigned an adjuster, or team of adjusters, and there are people who specialize in PD (Property damage) or Cas... (Casualty.. or the injury side of things.)
There is a whole alphebet soup of crap you get to deal with, and that often ends up being used in the real world too..
My favroite note is LFTMSGTCB.. This is left message to call back... LOL
After 13+ years now in this business, I have started dreaming in codes... It's disgusting. (One night I woke up to my wife laughing.. she says I was talking in my sleep, says I kept asking for the POA so we could process the salvage on these.. Pillow cases.. I was pretty adamant about it too she says... LOL POA is Power of Atty, and alows you to sign off on the paperwork to sell the salvage.. in this case, to dispose of the pillow cases... LOL)
I invented WOD however.. It's Wave of Death.. the nice friendly little wave, when your waiting to make a left, and traffic backs up on a multilane street.. SO the nice driver of the car that stopped and left you room to turn infront of them, politely gives you the WOD... And you turn, and WHAM! Your struck by the traffic that is still moving in the other lanes...
Guess what? You are at fault for making a left without yielding.. (This BTW is called FTYROW, results in a new loss, 09, BI, IPC and possible TL with resulting SALV needing a POA of course...) (Anyone who's in this, might be able to guess who I work for now.. LOL)
Anyway, back on rates, it's all about who you are, how old you are, and how you live your life. Are you a risk taker, or not?
Your rates will reflect that more than anything. (Think about this.. boys risk more than men.. girls risk more than women.. experience teaches people to be better at dealing with risk, so as you age, you become a better driver, but then as you get too old, you loose physical ability to drive, and become dangerous again, so your rates go up again as you get old... Sucks eh.)
On a more happy note, the rates should be going down all over the country in the next few years if the trends are any indicator of what's going on.
Right now, there is a drop in accident frequency that nobody can understand. Seriously, this has insurance companies confused, and they are starting to react. (They will reduce workers first, possibly lower rates, and revise other details to follow the market movement.)
It started on 911.. and has trended down with a significant spike down in the past few months with the higher priced fuels. By significant, I mean our claims volume is DOWN people. Seriously down. Down, down down... Did I mention that fewer people are crashing their cars?...
Or it could be this.. Fewer people are insured as they dropped coverage to pay for fuel.. We are not sure. The amount of traffic on the highways is down significantly, but the amount of policies is also down. And the amounts of coverage being taken out is down too.
Now, I'm not an guy that works with rates and policies.. I'm the dude that teaches adjusters how to repair the vehicles, and deal with the customers... (But, as I've noted, there are few claims right now to deal with.. It's nuts.)
Before you all stand up an dance a jig.. think about this.. The automotive industry is a huge part of our economy. Making, selling, repairing, insuring and fueling our vehicles drives the American economy in so many ways it's not even possible for me to list them all here. But as the losses stop, so do the repairs at your local body shops... SO they do not buy paint and sand paper.. so the 3M and Sikkens guys go under.. and the dominoes continue to fall....
Is this an indicator of Atlas starting to shrug? Or just a tremor..