Hello everyone.
We are in the planning stages already for our August annual meet. We are hoping that early announcement of this year’s activity will help generate the response we need to book a lapping day for the Saturday event. If you are interested in participating in the event, please let us know so we can gauge interest and provide more information as we continue our efforts.
As of now, the schedule for the 3 day meet is as follows:
- Drag racing at Toronto Motorsports Park (Cayuga)
- Meet at the Tim Hortons in Cayuga and then drag race all night
- Lapping day at one of the tracks around the GTA. (There will be a fee for this that needs to be paid prior to the meet for those interested in lapping their cars.)
- Show n shine at the track
- BBQ lunch and raffle
Alternative plans if interest in road course is lacking
- Show n shine at PUR Automotive
- Morning dyno pulls
- BBQ lunch
- Afternoon cruise
- Scenic cruise through Forks to the Credit
- Afternoon BBQ and relax before the long drive home
Here are some pictures from past meets and we hope to see you in Toronto this August.
We are in the planning stages already for our August annual meet. We are hoping that early announcement of this year’s activity will help generate the response we need to book a lapping day for the Saturday event. If you are interested in participating in the event, please let us know so we can gauge interest and provide more information as we continue our efforts.
As of now, the schedule for the 3 day meet is as follows:
- Drag racing at Toronto Motorsports Park (Cayuga)
- Meet at the Tim Hortons in Cayuga and then drag race all night
- Lapping day at one of the tracks around the GTA. (There will be a fee for this that needs to be paid prior to the meet for those interested in lapping their cars.)
- Show n shine at the track
- BBQ lunch and raffle
Alternative plans if interest in road course is lacking
- Show n shine at PUR Automotive
- Morning dyno pulls
- BBQ lunch
- Afternoon cruise
- Scenic cruise through Forks to the Credit
- Afternoon BBQ and relax before the long drive home
Here are some pictures from past meets and we hope to see you in Toronto this August.