So I finally took my built motor to the track, and just one and only pass made I ran a 14.2@ 107mph. This was on about 17 PSI on my new turbo. My 60ft. was 2.4, and I did not launch hard out of the hole at all. This turbo is barely alive at 17PSI.
My MAFT is acting up all the time, and I have to get to the bottom of it soon as I still hit fuel cut around 18PSI...
I'm kinda dissapointed with the time I ran, but it's all about tuning and fuel cut. I was thinking about getting some 272 cams so I can use more turbo on the top end, but are cams really worth it? Regrinds that is.
My turbo goes full boost at 3.5K RPM. It's big.
I will look into slicks for use Tomorrow at the track...
My MAFT is acting up all the time, and I have to get to the bottom of it soon as I still hit fuel cut around 18PSI...
I'm kinda dissapointed with the time I ran, but it's all about tuning and fuel cut. I was thinking about getting some 272 cams so I can use more turbo on the top end, but are cams really worth it? Regrinds that is.
My turbo goes full boost at 3.5K RPM. It's big.
I will look into slicks for use Tomorrow at the track...