look Spiller the parts you will need is
20-3/4 plus the SL17 plus the QRNA-2 plus the SBC-1 plus an steering wheel adapter 3 to 6 bolts plus a 85 mm dipped steering wheel
with plain steering wheel you will need other bigger jacquet
also like you can see on the photos we will need two saquares with a rail where we can adjust the column up/down or with some holes.
normally they recomend to get one size large to give a room to adjust the lengt of the column in case you wnat to move the seats back
like you can see on the photos... I used the standar part at the end , I cutted it and use the bearing and tube then to connect it with the estandar steering rack I cutted the Universal joint at the end of the standar column and weld it with the SL17 bar (it must to be very well welded) it is not complicate because the standar U-joint come with a hollow bar and the inside diameter is perfect for the SL17 bar.
Using the standar bearing at the botton we can adjust the heigth of the steering wheel with out stressing the column
I dont remember way but between the squares and the dashboard bar I put 10 or 15 mm spacers.
here the latest photo I have with a largest squares
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20-3/4 plus the SL17 plus the QRNA-2 plus the SBC-1 plus an steering wheel adapter 3 to 6 bolts plus a 85 mm dipped steering wheel
with plain steering wheel you will need other bigger jacquet
also like you can see on the photos we will need two saquares with a rail where we can adjust the column up/down or with some holes.
normally they recomend to get one size large to give a room to adjust the lengt of the column in case you wnat to move the seats back
like you can see on the photos... I used the standar part at the end , I cutted it and use the bearing and tube then to connect it with the estandar steering rack I cutted the Universal joint at the end of the standar column and weld it with the SL17 bar (it must to be very well welded) it is not complicate because the standar U-joint come with a hollow bar and the inside diameter is perfect for the SL17 bar.
Using the standar bearing at the botton we can adjust the heigth of the steering wheel with out stressing the column
I dont remember way but between the squares and the dashboard bar I put 10 or 15 mm spacers.
here the latest photo I have with a largest squares

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