upgradedsupra said:Since it is already on SF, the tires used were mine. Hey Darryl, I know you beat him by the miss shiftin and that's cool.
To give you an idea, I drove Tom's car at the track for him (ran a 13.3) and on the freeway, I took his car in Darrell's RHD 1J and got that on vidAsk Tom as he was pretty suurprised. If Darrell is up to it, let's race Friday!? You ready? THIS Friday dude come on! I wanna do this! Let's have a camera to!!! Just have some good tires because the track can suck for traction.
Jayhall said:im not trying to say the car is slow duane, im just giving you guys a hard time, i wouldnt be suprised one bit if it is faster. If there is a test and tune this friday i am probably heading out there in the morning, becasue i have to work friday night. Now comes the pinks style barganing, street tires, both of us. I dont run slicks, i drive a street car, not a race car.
upgradedsupra said:These are stree tires :icon_razz
Not saying that you think it is slow. I don't call racing in downtown traffic a race is all. Let's bring it to the track! yes?
Jayhall said:ummmm, ok, stick to Z rated street tires then:icon_razz
that wasnt traffic, it was a definat light, besides, my car pointed to the sidewalk, that was a little wild. Track will be done. But the date, well i dont know when that will be, due to work and all. If i go friday morning ill just call you and give you my best time
Disced said:Yea; well I just won 1k for using my visa card. Time for new clutch + 100 wet shot to spool that laggy deathwhining CT26. :rofl:
BTZ said:Ill go heads up with the 1j, you can even keep your slicks too. sept 1st mission, be there.......
upgradedsupra said:Your car is far from stock Brent. How about I run you in my Supra in a month? Sound like a good race ? :icon_conf
If Darrell wants to turn up the boost then I think it would be a good race. (I will leave that up to him)
PS: They are street DOT tires
kwnate said:Looks more like a head gasket to me Darrel. :3d_frown: Oh wait its a 1j, nevermind, that smoke is normal.
upgradedsupra said:Your car is far from stock Brent. How about I run you in my Supra in a month? Sound like a good race ? :icon_conf
If Darrell wants to turn up the boost then I think it would be a good race. (I will leave that up to him)
PS: They are street DOT tires
onejz said:It is not a bhg we think it is a seal in a turbo
BTZ said:sure but it has to be street tires and pump gas to be fair.