13.323 @ 107.78 mph + Fastest AutoX at Suprafest 06
Hey guys, this was my first time ever racing at the drags and autoX and I am very pleased with my results. I picked up my car earlier this year and the previous owner did a very good job building it. He told me it dynoed at 372rwhp although after a cold air under-headlight intake and the Bi-Tron oil and fuel products I managed to pull a 393rwhp on the dyno at Suprafest even with a boost leak limiting me to 17 psi. After I found the boost leak (a vac line) I was boosting to 20 psi for all the races so I'm pretty sure I'm in the 400+ rwhp arena now.
After my first run at 14 seconds I thought I'd be stuck there but for my second run I tried holding 4th gear to into redline instead of shifting into 5th and it seemed to make the difference. With a miracle hole shot zero reaction time this run would have been a 12.6, so high 12's are a real possibility for this car. I was running pirelli street tires and a 4.10 torsen diff. Decent traction! Now BTZ has some competition in the PacNW
Hey guys, this was my first time ever racing at the drags and autoX and I am very pleased with my results. I picked up my car earlier this year and the previous owner did a very good job building it. He told me it dynoed at 372rwhp although after a cold air under-headlight intake and the Bi-Tron oil and fuel products I managed to pull a 393rwhp on the dyno at Suprafest even with a boost leak limiting me to 17 psi. After I found the boost leak (a vac line) I was boosting to 20 psi for all the races so I'm pretty sure I'm in the 400+ rwhp arena now.
After my first run at 14 seconds I thought I'd be stuck there but for my second run I tried holding 4th gear to into redline instead of shifting into 5th and it seemed to make the difference. With a miracle hole shot zero reaction time this run would have been a 12.6, so high 12's are a real possibility for this car. I was running pirelli street tires and a 4.10 torsen diff. Decent traction! Now BTZ has some competition in the PacNW