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  1. R

    Portland Poker Run/Open House

    They are having an open house. They will also be having a poker run and all proceeds will go to the Oregon Humane Society. The entrance fee is only $10.00 and it supports a great cause. The route will go down the Columbia Gorge and the weather should turn out to be great. The event is open to...
  2. R

    Ricer Thread

    Had you read my response you would see my correction on that thread so I guess you pulled the trigger a little too quick on that one. My intentions are not to contribute and make this world a better place. That job is for your parents or Mother Theresa either of which I am not nor claim to be...
  3. R

    Ricer Thread

    I stand corrected. I thought he was referring to mine. But the fact that you want to dictate what I think and feel is in many ways worse than me stating that people should be a little more open minded. Supra owners are just as guilty.:biglaugh:
  4. R

    Ricer Thread

    This is a forum correct? Main Entry: fo•rum Pronunciation: 'fOr-&m, 'for- Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural forums also fo•ra /-&/ Etymology: Latin; akin to Latin foris outside, fores door -- more at DOOR 1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming...
  5. R

    Ricer Thread

    Is that what you consider rice? By definition there is nothing "rice" about it.
  6. R

    Ricer Thread

    I will be more than happy to show my car (one of many).
  7. R

    Ricer Thread

    In my opinion they are the same thing. One is no worse nor better than the other. I monitor this forum as well as many others to get new ideas. I build roll cages for many types of cars and use this as a tool to gain information. My opinion is just that. I don’t like to see odd shaped parts on...
  8. R

    Ricer Thread

    I don’t drive a Supra. I don’t drive a domestic. No my car is not in the pictures at all. If you would like to see what I drive I will be more than happy to show you but it is a Ford, it was made in Germany and is powered by Cosworth. There are many “bad” modifications...
  9. R

    Ricer Thread

    Why must you bash anyone that takes the time and the money to make their car unique? Although it may not appeal to you, it is what they want and not what you think is best. I know several Supra owners and for the most part they are all tools and cannot think outside the box to save their lives...