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  1. S

    AFC Tuning help, tips, recommendations

    Another question about building logs, we can only tune in open loop correct? Wouldn't the tccs change any setting that I change in closed loop? If so all of my tuning runs must be WOT, right?
  2. S

    AFC Tuning help, tips, recommendations

    So the firmware needs to be 1.104 or higher, I'll take care of that tomorrow and update if needed. But can I have more people chime in on the hi/Lo setting? I'm leaning towards 68% low/69% high because it makes sense. But there are some saying I should have a decent split between the two, I'm...
  3. S

    AFC Tuning help, tips, recommendations

    Anybody? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
  4. S

    AFC Tuning help, tips, recommendations

    I'm installing an Apex'i AFC Neo. I have a few questions as this is only my 2nd car doing any real tuning on, and the AFC is much different than the SMT6 I've used before. First, I've heard that I should set the Lo-Throttle setting at 68% and Hi-Throttle at 69% because the ECU is in closed...