very easy question but I can't find the answer anywere
I don't have the stock temp sensor........I have one with number on
well I'm running between 190 and 210 degree
is it normal ????
my english is not very good but i'll try my best to explain my problem clearly as possible
I just finish my 7mge swap in my 4runner(from a cressida 90) and it was running fine for few days but last night a took the truck for a small ride (first time on the highway)
I was going...
hello guys
I'm new on this forum... and with all 7mge stuff
I am actually swapping a 7mge from a cressida (don't know the year) into a 94 4runner
here's the truck
All the wiring part is done but when I crank the engine it start for 2 or 3 second and it stall .... like spraying gaz...
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