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  1. JDMMA70

    Cold Start and Warm Up Idle Questions

    Ahh one more question whats everyone cold start idle speed? Mine seems to be 1350-1400 when its really cold but when its been sitting overnight and its about 65'F outside its like 1100-900 just wonder if this is good or bad and what affects it. Thanks ~JDMMA70
  2. JDMMA70

    Bluechulappa's 89Turbo restoration

    +1 late model 7M crank ftmfw :icon_razz hurry and get this car running lincoln! :naughty:
  3. JDMMA70

    My 1991 Jay Blue Supra

    he meant to post a picture of yours...:icon_razz
  4. JDMMA70

    Cold Start and Warm Up Idle Questions

    Forgive me if this sounds like a dumb question but where is the STA terminal? Im assuming thats the TTS on the Thermostat Housing? Also my car is auto if that makes a difference. Thanks ~Derek
  5. JDMMA70

    water or gas you decide

    lmao thats Brandons Supra, i dont think he posts here anymore, most Supra owners in houston know him though.
  6. JDMMA70

    Different BOV's

    loosen the spring
  7. JDMMA70

    HID fix thread

    Maybe this might be of some use when it comes to ballast. Taken from ScionLife (Forums)
  8. JDMMA70

    HID fix thread

    My hid kit seems to only work one way Lo beams only. When i got it only the high beams would work then i was told to swap the spades on the connector now my low beams work but my high beam (halogen bulb) doesnt come on and if it does its very dim.
  9. JDMMA70

    What movie looking forward for 2009?

    Chun Li is getting her own movie? Shes my fav character but i dont know who they would get to play her, or maybe its CG or something ill have to search it up
  10. JDMMA70

    Bluechulappa's 89Turbo restoration

    Previous Machinist FAIL I need to find my "you're doing it wrong" pic
  11. JDMMA70

    Different BOV's

    running a GReddy Type S here i love the sound of it its pretty loud when i let off enough to get people to turn and look.
  12. JDMMA70

    My sons car got robbed

    i hate fucking thieves may they all burn in hell... sorry to hear about your loss, have you tried local salvage yards?
  13. JDMMA70

    My 1991 Jay Blue Supra

    you mean actually have oil in the oil pan :icon_razz i think a new dipstick is in order for ken as well.
  14. JDMMA70

    car update

    Nice car lovin the old shcool rims are those SSR Reverse meshies?
  15. JDMMA70

    new to site

    Or maybe he has a Toyota Mark II. Either way welcome to the Forums.
  16. JDMMA70

    Bluechulappa's 89Turbo restoration

    Follow the TSRM on checking the oil pump, youre also supposed to prime the oil pump before installing to make sure it works.
  17. JDMMA70

    HID Installation Issues...

    I tried it a few times I talked to the guy I got them from and told me to swap the spades since it seems the the high beam and halogen use the same ground. Haven't tried it yet will in the morning. The HID does even fire up. The high beam halogen works though when I flip it to high beams. Im...
  18. JDMMA70

    Bluechulappa's 89Turbo restoration

    looks great lincolns are you using a HKS MHG? *reserved for more*
  19. JDMMA70

    HID Installation Issues...

    Not sure where to post this one but i recently purchased a HID kit, by bluechullapas suggestion. I got them today and wanted to make sure they worked. They seem to be the slim design 35w. now i plugged it all up followed instructions cause you can never be to right. I powered them on and the low...
  20. JDMMA70

    Mo's 1991 Supra 500 rwhp Build-up (Long Overdue!)***New Pics on Pg.6&7***

    Man that turbo looks sweet im running on a standard 20G any videos of your car doing some pulls. Car looks great. Nice job!