yea but they rub in the front.I know sombody who has em and they feel nice on the highway/highway turns and there ok if your going to drag race,DD or just look pimp in a parking lot but anything esle there ass like drifting,touge,autocross,auto x.
I'm not bashing them tho there nice just...
Congrats!nice ass dad you got there.why don't you swap the 7mge into the MA61 and give that to your wife?anyways I wish you good luck and dame I really wanted to see that touge build on your MKIII
wow you bought your car new! thats crazy hows it feel to one day have a kick ass brand new car and than some on years later have a almost classic jap car that some people would give a arm and a leg for.If you could please pm me some pics of your car or a video or somthing.I don't mean to be rude...
Thats your best bet or if your one of tho's people who can't hold on to cash and just need to spend it(i know people like this)buy a turbo motor and a egine stand and start building it slowy.But the best build start out with a lot of cash so just save it
yea cee I like the new advert
+1 on what he said I just got a set of ss brake lines for my car there not in yet but from what I have seen well worth the money
and idk what to tell you about the clutch line but I guessing it will improve the car in some way.
when I do my rebuild I want...
OMG THAT THING IS SOOOOOO SEXY!!when I do my exhaust I'm going with N1 thats the only one I will have on my car AMEN!!
it's funny thats my most fav back bumper for this car but I never wanted it becaue I always thought that you could never fit a N1 with a tilt but hey you did it.looks great
wow I'm sorry I was just cracking a joke I didn't relize how harsh I may have seemed.No hard feelings man it's just you made it sound like a person or somthing but hey were all here to learn and give info and from time to time show off our cars btw I forgot to say how the supras lookin good.Also...
WOW I'm happy to hear that your ok joe and that everything went well.It hurt me just to read some parts of that but thank god I didn't have to go what you went threw(I would have been a big baby)well happy to hear your ok and you will be back to yourself in no time
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