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  1. Justin

    MY Pashents is being to wear out

    I havn't had any problems with Jay makrs... I have a large order that has taken longer than normal to come in, but I can't start getting antsy after only 5 days :)
  2. Justin

    is this possible

    dont' be talkin like that, we don't know if you're serious or not :nono: go get a multimeter that will measure current... there will be a switch that says 'amps' or 'a' or 'currrent' on there. get a digital display, its easy to use :)
  3. Justin

    is this possible

    christ just do it the right way! Get a multimeter that will read current. disconnected your negitive (or positve) batter terminal. Hook your multimeter in line with the battery and batter cable |Battery|---|DMM|---|Battery Cable| like that. measure the amount of current...
  4. Justin

    Perplexing Idle Problem

    I am having a problem with the 88T. It is having trouble idling, as well as terrible throttle response. I have taken three ZT2 Wideband logs and two videos that will be at the end of this paragraph. The mods to this car are as follows: SP58GT, VPC, eMan, e01, ZT2, Catch Can, Defcon DP w/ 3" open...
  5. Justin

    alright, where the heeck did....

    all your base are belong to us or whatever come from???/ I'd ask on SF but i doubt people would be as kind :p
  6. Justin

    New Orleans and Looting

  7. Justin

    Is my turbo ok?

    read this exactly as its written. a friend of mine had a CT-26 that was in worse condition than that... he boosted fine till he sold the car. :dunno:
  8. Justin

    Greddy/Defi/Any p/h/w AFR gauge

    I bought a greddy gauge from a forum member... an AFR p/h/w gauge. great price, in great condition. it just hit me a while back... what good is the warning light?! If I set the warning light at 12:1 the light will be on almost all the time! can someone explain?
  9. Justin

    What do ya do when a bolt/nut is strpipping?

    i would think (don't know much about metals) you could heat it up and try and get it off... lots of wd40?
  10. Justin

    electronic boost controllers- which is best?

    yeah... that's probally just marketing man. I think the e01 is probally one of the best avaliable. I've heard there's an HKS somthing or the other 8 avaliable that is supposedly better but i've seen the price tag of 700 dollars thrown around..... talk to Jeff @ HPF, he'll take care of ya :)
  11. Justin

    Tricks to getting the water pump off?

    be carefull.... i broke my water pump trying to get it off. it was stupid. anyway, what I would do, is NOT pry on two aluminum surfaces. Take a rubber mallet, or if you don't have one, a block of wood with a metal hammer... bump firmly all around the pump over and over... that...
  12. Justin

    Official SF thread

    sf is retarded like that... I noticed shortly before it went down there was 70-80 people viewing OT, and hardly any in the informative forums.... wtf!? they should do that whole 100 post thing again... it'd keep half the people off. oh well.
  13. Justin

    electronic boost controllers- which is best?

    the e-01 is excellent... it gives an accurate boost reading, which is VERY easy to see.... a member said it was very difficult to set right.... I havn't had a single problem with it :dunno: I found it extremely easy to use, and boost hits hard and fast... I love it. I'm getting one for...
  14. Justin

    Does the plastic timing belt cover matter?

    HPF has 'em.... I'm very partial to HPF... they wont' have theirs instock till the 19th but they have 'em. Cheap too. 128 bucks
  15. Justin

    Does the plastic timing belt cover matter?

    me too. i'm parinoid about stuff like that. they're not too expensive. hundred and some dollars.
  16. Justin

    check out my afr

    yeah i just looked at the program and saw how little was there. I had alot more but the damn battery died :rolleyes:
  17. Justin

    check out my afr

    Good. It was getting kinda lean right around 0 psi but then went stupid rich as soon as I hit positive pressure... i was hesitant about that
  18. Justin

    check out my afr

    have the walbro/550's/sp58/eman/e01/vpc installed.... everything is zero'd out tuning wise and this is my zt2 log... anyone have any comments other than running 10:1 @ WOT is really freaking rich?
  19. Justin

    what is ra value?

    cometic is the most forgiving. its like a 40 Ra or lower