yea I wanted to get a better look today but it was raining all day.I think it is the tank tho because the lines are up front more.But I need to look into it more.
also I how it dosnt have a carb and whats it not helping??I like the how it looks.Thats why I did it.also I have seen a lot of...
I hate bondo unless it's needed.
well guys I have no real updates but I did get that new hard pipe from the 3000 pipe to my fender I just need to have somone weld my bov flange on it for me.(anyone here want to do it for me??)But other than that I havent done anything new.
but I have...
WOW man the car came out great!! well for what you've done so far lol
I just subscribed to this thread.
keep up the good work and maybe one day I could do a restoration project like this.
looks good and fast
could we see more pics of the car??
I looks like in your sig that you have a pre 89 front bumper with 50/50 turn signels post some pics of the car in my pre 89 bumper thread.the link is in my sig.
I really hope this comes threw guys.Thank you everybody who has been helping and lets not give up.
also suprageezer I like what you said of course it's not what we want to hear but your right.But I still think as were waiting for this to come threw or see if it's a big joke that sombody...
sweat well I'll meet up with you when I'm out there to help you with the car and just to b/s and what ever.
2,300$ in my eyes as somone who most of the time gets good deals on cars will say yea that is a lot but if you think about everthing you got than it's not so bad.I would say drive...
welcome and good luck you have a lot of work ahead of you but never give up.
never buy cars from ass clowns unless your getting it for a assclown much you get the car for?
A gte swap is not very hard to do just remember do a lot of research and try and lean as much as you can...
+1 I wish I got bilstien shocks but I have eibach springs and tokico shocks and it rides great.Not as low as h&r's or rsr's but it dose ride nice.
also SupraOfDoom how could you adjust the ride height?? it's a spring not a coil over
it reminds me of the club in grand theft auto vice city.funny thing is that the song i was jamin to was "don't you want me baby"
I could never drive with that busy,uglyness blinding me.I would crash if half that crap was in my car
well the 86.5-88 7M blocks came with a 6M cranks and I would say at redline there not as smooth as the 89+ 7Ms.
I would say screw it and go with the 6M.I say it could make just as much power as a 7M just look for it's weak points and make em stronger.
I'm more a 7M guy over a 6M but when...
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