A Supra is a Supra no matter what generation it is they will all perform where you want it provided you take the steps to make it happen. If a Supra is badly cared for, running even just 300hp will be a task.
Not to sound like an ass but id research first on what id want to do with the...
When i pulled my head i didnt have a engine hoist and live in an apartment so i had no choice. I had a friend (Bluechulappa) help me out with it, took 3 hours or so mainly because i was fighting with the oil feed pipe on the block, and the manifold nuts. Fastest ive done it is in an hour and a...
I used a orbital buffer and
Zaino ZPC, but ive also had good results with 3M Rubbing Compund. Finished the car off with Zaino Car Polish (4 coats) Did this on a friends car if you want to see pics. Same colour too as yours 3E5
Last time i did this you can call it a stroke of luck, but you have to do this when the car is fully warmed up.
If it can be adjusted then let the car idle and loosen the bolt holding the CPS in place and rotate it either up or down until you see 650rpms on the tach.
Also note do this only...
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