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  1. JDMMA70

    92 Teal Targa Sexiness!!!!(56k Death)

    Car looks simply stunning i like post some HQ pics i need a new background
  2. JDMMA70

    It's amazing what you can get for almost free

    Car looks great some rubbing compund and a buffer will bring that paint back like new. Man the frame # is so visable in that pic of the engine bay.
  3. JDMMA70

    Stolen: White 1989 MKIII - Gardena, California USA = RECOVERED!

    Glad to hear you got your car back RazoE as soon as i heard i went on eBay to see if i could find any of your parts up for sale. It sucks everytime i hear about a Supra getting stolen its either in Cali, Chicago, or NYC.
  4. JDMMA70

    SM Unemployment #'s

    Unemployed for now i look everyday for work.
  5. JDMMA70

    Tail light mods?

    He used the guts of R33 taillights and made look clean I liked it very different and unique in its own way. Anyone coming to TX2k9 will prolly see it.
  6. JDMMA70

    Tail light mods?

    I dont have any pics and i dont know if the owner would like if i posted pics of his car yet, but he has Skyline tailights on his Supra Looks clean IMO, I also prefer the pre89 tails over the 89+
  7. JDMMA70

    Videos of good running Supras

    Warped Cam Saddles? Loose Cam bearing caps?
  8. JDMMA70

    That explains everything!

    lol so its like Dragonball mixed with Street Fighter some other stuff. Thanks this really woke me up
  9. JDMMA70

    Can u say White on red? (pics)

    looks like they will be hard to keep clean but i like
  10. JDMMA70

    Videos of good running Supras

    I think i hear it slightly too As for your rebuild as i said valvetrain noise will be there it just wont be as noticable if everything is within spec. the injectors also makes a audible ticking noise. It will be LOUD if they arent in spec like my car
  11. JDMMA70

    My restoration project - Rusty 89

    From my understanding they still carry 89+ harness and 90+ auto harnesses still
  12. JDMMA70

    My restoration project - Rusty 89

    yes i am :( Pre89, i found a some what good condition 91 harness that im going to use to make my exsisting harness like new :D I would love to have that black cover that goes across the valve covers. I hope someone starts making harnesses, like they do for the Z, and old muscle car guys.
  13. JDMMA70

    My restoration project - Rusty 89

    What i wouldnt do for a new one of those. :love:
  14. JDMMA70

    Toyota Red Coolant = ?

    Ive run Green in my car so did previous owners. Didnt see any pitting on my head or block. I do plan to switch to Zyrex G05 stuff or Toyota red when i get my Koyo Rad.
  15. JDMMA70

    My 1991 Jay Blue Supra

    i want to hose down my bay i think ill do it when the motor comes out
  16. JDMMA70

    rofl if i only knew what they were saying.

    Lol its pretty obvious what happend. Whats funny is the donor 7M blew its HG shortly after this
  17. JDMMA70

    Song you are listening to right now!

    DJ Peran - We Want to be Free Music Video is awesome :D *Warning* NWS
  18. JDMMA70

    Videos of good running Supras

    ill try to get a video but its hard to capture on video. the tapping noise should be minimal if the valve clearances are within spec. Mine arent thats why its so loud. Two other guys who had their heads done at the same place had the same problem clearances were WAAAY off. I just havent gotten...
  19. JDMMA70

    Hello Supra freaks!!

    Welcome Sounds just like my 88 every option except leather and a CD player
  20. JDMMA70

    Videos of good running Supras

    my car does that too, i dont notice it much anymore since ive drowned it out. Before my head swap it did it as well, changed plugs went to NGK wires still does it, you can see the motor shake from it slightly when it happens. It annoys me so much wish i knew what was wrong with it so i can fix...