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  1. OneJArpus

    *Important Mk3 Audio Information*

    the 2 other ones are slightly faceing the front of the car from the back right in front of the rear speakers. That grill on the side of the seats is a speaker
  2. OneJArpus

    Side Exit Exhaust

    if you really want a nice side exit exhaust. Go with oval piping after the DP for maximun clearence and look of the exhaust. I've been thinking about doing that. This is what nascar uses on their cars seeing they are so low.
  3. OneJArpus

    1j flywheel spec ques

    IIRC the step is .20 from the surface. Don't quote me on this tho.
  4. OneJArpus

    Checked out head to toe!!!

    The best one i have so far is this. A friend of mine & I went to Ihop to eat. We were outside while i smoked a cig . He owns a clean 89 while i was in my beater (del sol). This couple was walking to ihop and the wife was talking to the husband like no its not that. The husband was talking...
  5. OneJArpus

    bad 1jz problem that we cant figure out

    when i did my 1j swap i had a sard ecu, i finished everything and it wouldn't start, it would stumble for a few seconds and crank but would never fully fire. I sent the ECU to DM and Aaron said that the board was perfect but the blitz board added was screwed up and he couldn't fix it cause he...
  6. OneJArpus

    WTF is up with all the MKIIIs getting stolen lately!?!?

    i was thinking the same and just had a talk with my friend about it. I use a clutch lock, i have installed 3 cut off switches, and i'm installing an alarm and lo jack. I've spent alot in performance why not security. I'm going to install a secret camera in there too and try to set it up...
  7. OneJArpus

    1j flywheel spec ques

    what ever they cut on the clutch disk surface should be cut on the step. IIRC no more then .20 MAKE SURE THEY CUT THE STEP AS WELL! I had a big problem with a machine shop cutting my flywheel completely flat, i noticed way too late and now i'm having clutch issues. Lost the recipt so i can't...
  8. OneJArpus

    Some comments on removing seized suspension bolts

    i must be lucky, i pulled mine out with a good ol rachet and pipe, took seconds. Then coated them in anti seize. Now i can take em out in no time.
  9. OneJArpus

    upgrade equipment - toshiba tablet

    only things you can replace on tablet pc's or laptops are batteries, memory (ram), hdd, cd rom/dvd rom and add cards. No other mods IIRC to the motherboard.
  10. OneJArpus

    IMV FILMS- Texas Streets!

    lol that intro song is from the movie "Snatch" love it! Turkish!!!! SOL!!!!
  11. OneJArpus

    The supra's totaled! :(

    lol @ bold, side note sorry. School vehicle hit you which means they must have good insurance. Try to get what you want for the car. Show them similar cars and their selling price if you can and see if you can get that much. Then buy it back and buy a shell and switch it over.
  12. OneJArpus

    nice!!!!!!!! can't wait to see it in person

    nice!!!!!!!! can't wait to see it in person
  13. OneJArpus

    they aren't that small. I was really far from you guys when i was taking those pictures. Sorry i...

    they aren't that small. I was really far from you guys when i was taking those pictures. Sorry i don't have a 3,000$ camera to take close ups from 100 ft/yrds away lol
  14. OneJArpus

    1-1.5jz ?'s

    nice, i'm not even done with my 1j swap yet n i'll be gathering a list of parts to go 1.5jz later in life lol
  15. OneJArpus

    Where can I get these wheels???

    those same wheel's are usually 500/550 shipped during the winter months. I almost purchased them.
  16. OneJArpus

    Ok to buy or Junk?

    not junk but can be done for alot cheaper.
  17. OneJArpus

    Classic Song for all MKIII owners

    dammit! I will have my friend rehost this ASAP that's the only site i could think of i will remake another thread once i find a perm host for it.
  18. OneJArpus

    Lightweight hoods?

    very.. side note change TaSe to OneJArpus now :) lol, he still drives a supra
  19. OneJArpus

    where do i get one of these?

    lol i got 2 of those things lolol purchased them on ebay about 4 years ago lol i love those things