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  1. MK3.0dudeman

    what i did to lower

    +1 +1 +1! +1 It dosent look any lower to me. and if you didn't want to get flamed why did you post that you did this?This thread is a waste of space and hasnt shown me anything except that you cheaped out and thats ok because it's what you wanted and every body has there own opion...
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    Finally got some pics

    very sexy I love that color
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    BAD ASS wheels on an mk4..... lolz

    wow you have a few nice cars laying around your house.
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Custom E-Brake....Who's down?

    I understand were your coming from 100% I would feel the same way. lawsuit?I didn't think about this.:nono: well since I see that most of you don't want this,the guy who's making them never has time,a lawsuit could happen,and I can't even show you what i'm trying to sell I think I'm just...
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    My new car!

    nice car man.I wouldnt mind one of tho's myself.I think you should keep the supra for high hp and just enjoy the celica as the nice rally car that it is
  6. MK3.0dudeman

    anyone else have problems with front calipers seizing?

    change the caliper(s) it should be good and even if it dosent fix it it's always nice to have new parts on a older car. I just changed my rear caliper and it did the job for me.also flush the old fluid out
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    Is this a lost cause? (Exhaust Tip Question Again)

    TRUE! try it out.tase tryed it at my dads job and there was all kind of nasty stuff on this sink and it cleaned it right off
  8. MK3.0dudeman

    well you do have the income to do one of them.Stay NA and enjoy it!The supra is a great car.Turbo is just one of the main catchs but if you really love the car it dosent matter.Take your time do things right and do it onces.
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    Custom E-Brake....Who's down?

    sorry man I talkd to him early he dosent want anybody knowing about it untill it's done.He's also very busy but I'm going to see if he could start getting mine started by next week and hopfuly get some pics and a price.Maybe I posted this thread a bit early but I just wanted to see who might...
  10. MK3.0dudeman

    Worth It?

    I like were this thread is going....:naughty: I must say the best move you madd was not posting this on supraforums.
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    Custom E-Brake....Who's down?

    it's most def not a look pretty part and yes it is a add on.I'm calling him tomorrow to see when I could get pics to you guys.I know it's hard with out pics but I more just wanted to see whos intrasted.Please people bard with me I know it's hard but I'm just trying to figure everything out right...
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    Custom E-Brake....Who's down?

    yea it's steves and having this will help with drifting,auto x,and any sharp tight turns. I know most supra owners don't need/want it because not that many supra owners drift or autocross but I know theres a few out there who do and a few out there who want to get into even if I just...
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    Where to get an OEM CF hood?

    the supra store has em shouldnt the new guy who's on SM who just started working there know this?Maybe I should just take his job LOL
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Custom E-Brake....Who's down?

    Ok so I made this thread for two resons.One reson is there any aftermarket companys that make an upgrated one?no.ok thats what I thought LOL and has anybody made a custom one on SM or have they seen somone who has done it if so please post pic,write up,link or whatever. Now my second reson...
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    rear seat delete kit

    nah I think I'll pass on this one
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    Interior Dying / Painting Questions and pictures request.

    I'm in the milldle of this myself.I have been taking my time tho.I did all the panels in the back half of my car and I used the duplicolor leather/vinyl dye and it came out ok but not good enuff for me so I'm going to do what he did for the dash,door panels and than go back and do the back...
  17. MK3.0dudeman

    picked up another MK3 (pics)

    looks take that porsche out of the garage and park it in there:naughty:
  18. MK3.0dudeman

    7m powered rail buggy?

    I always wanted to make a rr go kart powered by a single cam vtec.nuff said
  19. MK3.0dudeman

    Bad ass in the making

    ^^HAHA thats awsome I always wanted a power wheels when I was a youngin. thats kids going to be a pro drifter one day
  20. MK3.0dudeman

    Need a whole thread to post my MKIV! Come see why!!! (56K DIE!!!)

    don't worry about going fast for now Keylan.WOW man you and your dad do some GREAT work.You really have inspired me and you really have shown us all that there is no job to big.Well all I have to say is your going to forget about dsm's and hondas now that you have a supra and I think your going...