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  1. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    All the ones of him drifting and punching armor.
  2. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    Albert, post the other videos or text them to me and I will upload and post them.
  3. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    My mustache is pure coolness.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    Rear BBK anyone?

    Well said. Read my blog entry and make a comment. It's right under my avatar. <---
  5. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    Dude, it was a joke. Why were you recording me!?
  6. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    Fun where there is no video evidence. ;)
  7. IBoughtASupra

    2jzgte huge single drag drift!!!!!!!

    Us vendors know how to have fun. :)
  8. IBoughtASupra

    Albert's 2jz swapped project

    I was there when he drifted around that corner on the highway.
  9. IBoughtASupra

    Albert's 2jz swapped project

    O yeah, two standing still JZ at the tree. Nice!
  10. IBoughtASupra

    show us your swap

    After some polishing touch up today. Going to get the engine hooks coated.
  11. IBoughtASupra

    Albert's 2jz swapped project

    I never said he has a "running 1J that will own 2Js.". ;)
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Albert's 2jz swapped project

    He has a 1J that will own 2Js. :)
  13. IBoughtASupra

    show us your swap

    I know some people would say your bay is sloppy because you didn't relocate stuff. I think relocating stuff is the lazy way out, yours is very neat as you have everything there and it's organized very well! Well done!
  14. IBoughtASupra

    Car wont start after being parked for 4 months.

    Cool. Keep this thread open and let us know how the install goes. The filter might have some rust on it so soaked it with some WD40 or something of that sort to help break the ends loose.
  15. IBoughtASupra

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    -_- *Punches Albert*
  16. IBoughtASupra

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Are you sure you bought them, seemed pretty wasted last night while Albert was taking advantage of you. I have the video....muhahahaha.
  17. IBoughtASupra

    Built engine installed but not running right. Need guru's help! *HD Video*

    Well if you have cams and a really good ported head and you said it was a drag motor, it will spool the 6766 really easy.
  18. IBoughtASupra

    Built engine installed but not running right. Need guru's help! *HD Video*

    Well enjoy it for the time and save up for a nice Precision 6766 billet ball bearing turbo and injectors/rail/pump setup and then you will make way more power.