My first ride in a turbo was in my car.But my first ride in a fast supra was a 400hp 1J with a single turbo.It still give me chills when I think about it.
WELL WHATS A GOOD DATE FOR EVERYBODY?I want to have somthing with in the next 3-4 weeks so all you guys let me know.I'll come up with a place to meet up.
If anybody wants to meet up tonight I might be rolling to edge water tonight.If not I might go to NJ tunners.
BTW I did forget to say that your wheels look good.Actually I think your car looks awsome well the proper word for it would be tuff and thats the look I'm going for a tuff look -the saw blades:biglaugh:
awwwwww did I hurt your feelings cause I was raggin on saw blades.Please get over it.I was just making a joke and way to put words in my mouth I never said I hate saw blades.There just not cool but nither is any old oem 80's wheel.Plus I have seen some good looking ones on some good looking...
Metal head gasket.
Arp head studs.
And you should be good.Than the rest is what ever you want to do to the car.You'll start of with a fresh motor and than you can fix what ever esle is wrong with the car.I say it's a great start.
Got any pics of the car if not...
I never new that trd made wheels.While were on this topic can we get some more pics of trd wheels and maybe could we all be lucky enuff to get some shoots of them on a MKIII?
your just the man I have been wanting to talk to.If you have any time you should help me start this club cause your great with organizing things like this.I'll send you a pm with my number.Hit me up so we can talk things over
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