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  1. Justin

    The $2145.00 lesson!

    See, that's what I was thinking, what GrimJack said. Killing people, smoking pot, doing meth, all that shit is NOT burning out on private property!!!! Are you trying to tell me if I had a huge driveway and I was burning out on it the cops could come give me a ticket? I DONT THINK...
  2. Justin

    Those of you with AFPRs

    No, the factory source has a VSV inline to do something with fuel pressure when the engine is hot or something... not 100% sure what it does :)
  3. Justin

    Those of you with AFPRs

    Do you have the vacuum line hooked up with the FPR VSV or from a fresh source?
  4. Justin

    My 91 turbo

    beautiful car :)
  5. Justin

    New Climate Control colors.... :)

    I have a bunch of blue and white LEDs left over, I'd be happy to do your c.c. if you'd like I havn't replaced the display because I cannot find one that is white or blue... I am always eager to hear of someone finding one though! The gauges are just your standard
  6. Justin

    LSD Question

  7. Justin

    LSD Question

    I didn't say it wasn't my daily, I just said they don't belong in the same sentance :) When I did the turbo swap I was out a car for about 5 months... that's why I said it :)
  8. Justin

    LSD Question

    I just installed LSD last night... the pumpkin was marked LSD and the 'wheels' both turn the same way.... i did a burn out leaving work and my coworker said only one tire spun???? That's what I was trying to get away from... what could be the problem here?
  9. Justin

    LSD Swap!

    eh, the diff is out right now, i'll just fill it then install it :)
  10. Justin

    LSD Swap!

    I'm going to swap my LSD tonight and had a few questions... one: when I'm filling the LSD up, how do I tell when full? do I just sit the diff level and fill till its to the fill hole? two: just so I can be prepared... when I disconnect the halfshafts, will i have to disconnect them...
  11. Justin

    removing injectors question?

    you just have to remove the throttle body and ISC. I just did it a few days ago :)
  12. Justin

    Idle WTF?

    I'm sorry, DTC's? I replaced my ISC with another unit I had laying around that I cleaned up very well... When I first installed it idle seemed to be around 800 which was better but not ideal. After It set for a few hours and I came home the idle was up high again.... I guess FPR...
  13. Justin

    Idle WTF?

    Also, I've just recently noticed that the idle will flucuate... it'll go from 950-1040 very steady like... any input on what could cause that? I didn't see anything in the TSRM about that....
  14. Justin

    Fuel Pulsation Dampener

    I dont' know why I didn't think of mkiiitech in the first place :p I'm going to get an AFPR here shortly so i think i'll do both at once... thanks man :
  15. Justin

    Fuel Pulsation Dampener

    Can the fuel pressure dampener go bad? From what I found its fairly useless... does anyone contradict that? The NA's don't have one so I figured I'd just pull it off and replace it with the lines from the NA. Unless there are flexible lines avaliable? Hmmm? Basically I wanna know if...
  16. Justin

    Idle WTF?

    My idle has always been high, ever since i rebuilt my engine 1000 miles ago. Its sat at about 1k RPMs. I installed my VPC two days ago and nothing changed... Today I put in new plugs injectors (440s, fresh bag from RC Eng) and now the idle is about 1500. Its pretty damn high! If I...
  17. Justin

    Distro Block

    I have about 5 or 6 things tapped off my radio +12, switched and constant... can't be having that! I'm going to buy this : BUT it only has two busss. Used for +12 and ground... obviously I can use 'em for whatever I...
  18. Justin

    too much heat

    man i should have asked thsi on here instead of supraforums... i asked the same question and had people saying "uhhh, its an internal combustion engine, of course it's hot" :rolleyes: Great thread though... i'm definatly going to wrap my DP and thinking about getting a turbo...
  19. Justin

    Super Monitor

    I have one for sale!!!! Buy it from me, I need to add to the FFIM fund!
  20. Justin

    My bro spent 1000 bucks on this -_-

    LOL! Sure would be nice to get some cool air running under that hood though!