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  1. 91Supra313

    Diablo 3?

    So after waiting a lifetime for this new one to be released, I am going today to pre-order it. I was just wondering if anyone else on here is getting it and if so if they would like to get on and rip some demons apart with me. I am going to setup a new battlenet account for it that way I can...
  2. 91Supra313

    Body shop near Nashville TN

    So I have come to the realization that it is about time to get the Supra painted. Too many scratches and dings and tiny dents. So I figured that while it is at the paint shop, I might as well get a body kit put on it. I know which one I'm going with so I don't need input on that area. What I do...
  3. 91Supra313

    The Inevitable Down Pipe Question

    I am running a Driftmotion 3" DP to a Blitz NuR. I love it and would trade the DP for any other one. Exhaust sounds like a raped ape on steroids. lol.
  4. 91Supra313

    A/F ratio tuning

    For now stock. In a few weeks it will have an AFPR installed. I have a feeling that is part of the issue is the stock fuel regulator.
  5. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    Go any smaller then mine and you won't have any bass. lol. I have a friend a few miles away that is now selling his two 12s and ported box, and asked me to make him one. He heard how this one sounded and is in love with it. Even with the roof off it hits hard.
  6. 91Supra313

    A/F ratio tuning

    Not to hijack a thread but I am having some serious challenges in tuning mine. Running an HKS Fcon, and VPC. Idle runs safe at 11 only. Anything else is on verge of stalling. City is all over the place Cruising is around 14-15 jumping around a bit WOT is 10. I have tried to make adjustments...
  7. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    Yeah I know there are cracks in the wood. I used larger screws then I should have. I know for next time. I will stay uncovered like that for a few more days until my buddy brings some over. Then I will sand it down and carpet it in grey. Not worried about getting it covered since it will be...
  8. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    Hopefully this photobucket junk works.
  9. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    I will snap a pic or two in a few minutes but will have to upload them a bit later. Really busy right now. About to go and pick up our new mattress.
  10. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    So the speaker box is finally finished and 90% of the wires are hidden. I will snap a few pics of it tomorrow. One main problem is, I used too large of screws ( construction screws ) on the box. My excuse is that it was my first time building one so I learned the hard way. It fits perfectly...
  11. 91Supra313

    7m Exhaust Manifold stud size?

    When I was stationed in Germany a friend of mine got his hands on a long threaded rod, that fit where the stock studs go. We ran it all the way in there and it took alot more then stock length. So we replaced all of the studs with this and last i heard from him, it is holding up great and...
  12. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    Once I build it I will snap a pic of it. But it is going to be the run of the mill 15x15x8 with a hole in the front for a 10 shallow mount. If I like the way it turns out heck I might decide to build more and just sell them. lol. I will be building the box on Thursday. I am running and hiding...
  13. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    Now why in the holy hell didn't I think about that.......thanks!
  14. 91Supra313

    Speaker box carpet

    So instead of buying a $50 or more shallow mount speaker box to fit under the targa when it is in the trunk I have decided to build myself one out of 3/4 MDF. Making it 15x15x8. Which puts it right around .67cf. My only problem is......I don't know a good place to order the blue carpet from to...
  15. 91Supra313

    .68 housing to small for 600-700 whp??

    It seems to me that alot of the people that have not had to rebuild their motors a few times from trying some of these short cut ideas and plans, are trying to get some ideas for short cuts. If you want your motor to last, listen to some of the people that are telling you correct things. If you...
  16. 91Supra313

    Rust prevention

    Here's the thing....Why even bother worrying about it. That is some hard steel down there. Plus it is going to rust no matter what you do.... The exhaust is the most exposed part under there.
  17. 91Supra313

    HKS USA is no longer here!

    Found it! You have to be redirected through their Japan site and then it sends you over to the American branch I guess.....
  18. 91Supra313

    HKS USA is no longer here!

    No i didn't, thanks for pointing that out. But I have been trying to get on HKSUSA and it keeps showing it doesn't exist.
  19. 91Supra313

    HKS USA is no longer here!

    I just found out on Jalopnik that HKS USA is closing it's doors! :: angry :: I'm screwed now with all of this HKS stuff on my Time to learn some Japanese I guess. Below is the link to the article.
  20. 91Supra313

    Cleaning and Painting block

    rub the surface of the block ( top ) and cylinder walls with WD40 and you should be ok. I had the same problem 2 years ago when I was in Germany. It gets just as cold there as in WI. I used WD40 and my stuff was fine.