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  1. OneJArpus

    Inspection Stations in NJ

    im in the same boat once i try this one place i'll let you know how it goes
  2. OneJArpus

    Cleanest MK3 I've ever seen in Colorado

    all bitching supra's no matter how "off" they may look for low miles. Everyone wishes theres was that clean ;) i know i do! Who's with me!?!???!
  3. OneJArpus

    Car won't Start need help diagnosing it

    you and me both! I was having a mini panic attack that i'd have to replace some expensive electronic IE: Ignitor or ECU lol
  4. OneJArpus

    Car won't Start need help diagnosing it

    problem solved ended up being a super simple fix lol. Bad ground on the battery to the body. Once i changed that wire and primed the fuel system it started right up. 10 bux for a new cable to prevent a bad ground. thanks for all your help ;)
  5. OneJArpus

    Car won't Start need help diagnosing it

    Stock system other than a walbro fuel pump and 12v relay mod.
  6. OneJArpus

    Car won't Start need help diagnosing it

    Ok well look at my cig for mods. All installed but cams. I got the car done two weeks ago. I've put 400 miles on her so far. I went to work with her on tuesday she was running good. I went to leave work and she would just crank and not start. I need help diagnosing the issue. How...
  7. OneJArpus

    video of exhaust note

    how about we post a video of our exhaust note and the name of exhaust you have. If its custom the maker of the muffler etc and style. that way it can be a Exhaust sound clip thread good for ppl wanting to know what the exhaust sounds like. Also post info on car.
  8. OneJArpus

    my supra after the supra meet

    nice shit man, fix that license plate man. put another bolt in lolol its tilted thats so not JDM TYTE!
  9. OneJArpus

    buyer got my supra impounded..

    try to get it back for cheaper
  10. OneJArpus

    Trip of a lifetime...

  11. OneJArpus

    1JZ Minor issues (Idle, ABS Sensor, backup lights, & TPS)

    i have this. I know where those plugs are i just cant find the other end on the body. Ha sweet name ! lol ONEJ A R P U S <--SUPRA w00t! lol had to think of something clever.
  12. OneJArpus

    1JZ Minor issues (Idle, ABS Sensor, backup lights, & TPS)

    no love? I found where to adjust the idle. Need help with the rest if anyone can give me an input on it. Thanks
  13. OneJArpus

    1JZ Minor issues (Idle, ABS Sensor, backup lights, & TPS)

    Ok i have a few minor issues if you guys/gals can help me out with. I do not have backup lights, my rear speed sensor (trans) isn't connected, my idle is at about 500/550. How can i adjust my idle? What is stock idle? Where is the plug located for my rear speed sensor and...
  14. OneJArpus

    88 Supra - Project 1J

    Some engine bay shots and car shots day before the meet Steve hard at work customizing my china downpipe and making it 1 PC so i dont need a cat Some paper towel burnt up APEXi N1 cat back looks so nice and is quiet i like it forgot to take the end...
  15. OneJArpus


    care to provide more detail to said meet?
  16. OneJArpus

    2500 twin turbo

    or take a high res picture and use photoshop to make your own then give it to a decal shop. I've done that with pictures online. Not hard to do.