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  1. OneJArpus

    how to blow your stock headgasket LOL

    well i must say atleast he was keeping an eye out with 2 gauges an aftermarket & stock one for backup. too bad something went wrong LOL
  2. OneJArpus

    ordering tires for my rims tonight!

    lower the car. 50 series??? NO not on 17's plz dont
  3. OneJArpus

    My 10 step guide to ruining a 7m

    my 7m never ran "hot" it was always at Normal operating temp. This went for my 1JZ as well. If its running "hot" your cooling system isn't up to par. All motors create heat, turbo cars create more under hood temps and put more strain on the cooling system. If neglected it will run "hot"
  4. OneJArpus

    Guy shocks himself with 5million volts

    yep, thats what happen when there is ALOT of VOLTS AND AMPERAGE running through your body. Crazy how he touched it once it sounds like a gun shot. A burst of flames and he touches it 1 MORE time same thing. instant BBQ
  5. OneJArpus

    Username/Real name

  6. OneJArpus

    Oh No!!!

    when gas is .40 cents a gallon and you have money cars NO car means anything LOL I'd so do that (not with my own car)
  7. OneJArpus

    Mega Squirt / DIY PNP Unit

    I'm a little interested in a MS system and came across this DIYPNP Nippon Denso 76pin Unassembled Kit [DIYPNPN76-K] Available Features / Technical Specifications Based on MS2/E Firmware Version...
  8. OneJArpus

    Got hit tonight, :) Fixed with pics on Post 91

    Damn man! That blows, glad your ok and hopefully the other drive is OK too! GL
  9. OneJArpus

    The time has come

    Nice motor setup i like it alot. good luck with the build :)
  10. OneJArpus

    Toyota of N. America forces Toyo-DIY to.......

    ^^ The diagrams are all the same. toyo DYI was better in a sense that it was exploded and seperated for ease.
  11. OneJArpus

    Rotors to get me by...

    i have OEM brembo rotors new. ONly down side they have surface rust LOL if interested LMK
  12. OneJArpus

    Toyota of N. America forces Toyo-DIY to.......

    +1 i have about 10 backup's of it LOL CD DVD JUMPDRIVE x3 External hard drive, hard drive, other friends harddriver, personal online web sever just for this n more LOL
  13. OneJArpus

    2009 Project_mk3 restore

    He got them new as stated some where in his thread LOL and he got them from toyota. They aren't cheap, but i do not have an exact pricing either. Good work man. I like how everything has come out so far. Can't wait to see any other updates you may have.
  14. OneJArpus

    Post Your Desktop. (Some possibly NWS)

    Desktop changes every hour so its usually a suprise what i see when i get home or every hour.
  15. OneJArpus

    Differential Fitment

    Iirc - all LSD 87 4.10 88 3.91 89+ 3.73 you can swap them over but the speedo will be off
  16. OneJArpus

    How to remove exterior molding??

    ok heres how it goes From front to back Front moldings has 1 screw in the tire well and 1 screw holding it in place from the turn signal. The rest are tabs just simply pull and pry gently! fender back - screw in tire well pull or pry door - there is a nut near on the inside of the door by...
  17. OneJArpus

    Bought another modded Mk3, pics inside

    NICE purchase! :) Love that car
  18. OneJArpus

    Roundfingers 1jz...

    check for boost leaks you may have some, 235 is kinda low. Good car all around IMO.