Search results

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    Ported and polished Y pipe.

    are u gonna be at e-town?
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    Tanabe or Pacesetter?

    tanabe hyper medallion
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    High oil pressure killing turbos?

    i recently replaced the seals on my ct26 and i find oil in the accordian. could my higher than average oil pressure (7MGE) be doing it?
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    Tanabe or Pacesetter?
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    Ported and polished Y pipe.

    how much would it be just for the outside so i can make my enginebay look pretty :rofl: , no really tho
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    NJ Area

    i can help :)
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    Tanabe or Pacesetter?

    i emaild it to got toyota jus waiting for him to host
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    Tanabe or Pacesetter?

    tanabe was awesome while i was NA, was quiet when it needed to be and i didnt notice any lowend loss from the bigger piping. i have a soundclip but no host
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    1/2 NA-T question

    run turbo electronics and tap the oil pan for the return (-10 AN)
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    maft help

    im babying it right now until i find a way of monitoring it. i have it set 30% richer.....hoping it good enough i have a egt on the way
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    maft help

    mid and wot
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    maft help

    i fixed it, i richened it up a good amount
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    maft help

    i thought that with everything set to zero it would drive like stock?
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    maft help

    3 inch maf, 440cc injectors, no corrections....everything zeroed,base is at doesnt fall flat on its face...its more like it builds power sooner. spool is the same if not quicker, its just that u feel it later. could it just be a simple boost leak?
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    maft help

    i installed a 1st gen maft in blow-thru mode and am having some trouble. it has a slight hesitation b4 4k rpm. no bogging....its just not as responsive as it was b4 the maft. as soon as i pass 4k it pulls very nicely. anyone have any ideas? mods are full exhaust, dr mbc upper hardpipes...
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    Doug Thorley Headers installed :)

    i had a pacesetter, then switched to the DT's and i agree wit u 100%, is your midpipe(pipe from collector to catalyic) 2.5 inches?? cuz back when i was NA i made it 2.5 inches to a highflow cat, then a 3 inch hauled ass 4k rpm till redline
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    which clutch?

    look into the spec stage 3+ clutch or clutchmasters stage 3. the CM stage3 is known to hold a good amount of power. i havent heard of anyone using the spec stage 3+ yet. the only driveablity problems i have is keeping the tires from spinning :)
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    NA-t representing!!!

    heres the link
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    NA-t representing!!!

    i have a vid of me racing my friend in his 89 supra turbo. nothing special but jus wanted to share. i dont have a if anyone can host let me kno my car specs: 5speed NA-t, intake, turboback exhaust, walbro, mbc@13 psi his car specs: auto, apexi intake, hpf goliath exhaust, 8-9 psi
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    Pics of your n/a's!

    heres some of my pics