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  1. Justin

    Gauges gauges gauges!!! those are cool! BF Series in blue.... I have the BF in white... If I had to do it again i'd probally just get LINK, not BF. They look great an all but I think I'd prefer the link series. I'd only choose defi though, link, or...
  2. Justin

    New forum feature.... REP POWER!!!!

    damn. my rep power is lame.
  3. Justin

    New forum feature.... REP POWER!!!!

    What's my rep at? (posted to see)
  4. Justin

    JB Weld

    Eh, I just got back from the muffler shop. The guy there has done all the work on both supras, so he just tacked it a few times and sent me on my way. It won't be much force at all, but I defiantly don't want something breaking while i"m under full throttle! Do it right once.
  5. Justin

    JB Weld

    Yeah I'm going to take picture by picture writeup. Yours looks pretty damn close to what I'm gonna be doing. I used one of the brackets off an automatic tb. I guess we'll see how it turns out :) Is the throttle response increase noticeable?
  6. Justin

    JB Weld

    HAH! I've been copying DeanMarcums. Its a pretty neat setup. I guess I'll take it down to an exhaust shop, I already bought some JB weld but whatever. I'll feel more comfortable having it actually welded. Do you have any pictures of your setup?
  7. Justin

    JB Weld

    I've heard of this stuff a few times but I've never really used it.... What I want to do is Assure, 1000% that the modifications I just made to my TB will never come un-done. Take a look at the picture. I had to rotate part 90 degrees so I had to cut out a new notch. I obviously cut a...
  8. Justin

    Saddam sentanced to hang...

    ahaha, that had me lol'ing for a bit
  9. Justin

    Somebody's New Setup

    Great work, Looks and sounds great guys. But uh... you already know that ;)
  10. Justin

    ROTM: NOVEMBER - Enter now before it's too late!!!

    WHATS THE PRIZE! This is my Month guys! I get to win this time!
  11. Justin

    Where do you go for your electronic needs?

    How bout this? FUCK BEST BUY They treat their employees like SHIT, they treat their customers like SHIT, their prices are no better than Circuits, their HR doesn't fucking care about their employees, only how much money they can put in their pockets. FUCK BEST BUY! You may not...
  12. Justin

    Another Cool Toy!

    Thanks bobiseverywhere! I finally got that TRD oil cap I always wanted! True JDM style too! My old, nasty as JDM cap. Really, it came from JDM land. The new, shiny version!
  13. Justin

    Doogie Howser

    That's fucking stupid. What an awesome work of art.
  14. Justin

    New Toys!

    86-88 = 4 speakers 89-90 = 6 speakers 91-92 = 6 or 10 from what i've read, not 100%
  15. Justin

    New Toys!

    Well they're defiantly darker than mine... I thought there was just grey, and shadow grey?
  16. Justin

    New Toys!

    I can't wait to get 'em installed... I have two remote starts to do tomorrow so I'm hoping I can squeeze a little of my own work in ;) I'll be throwing 75 watts to 'em so I'm anticipating they're going to scream!
  17. Justin

    New Toys!

    Thanks to turbo4toy for the pods and door panels for a damn good price! I finally broke down and bought speaker pods and door panels from a 91. I built some fiberglass pods a while back but they were ugly and didn't really make me happy. Also, the small openings in the stock doors didn't...
  18. Justin

    Windshield Wipers

    How long are our windshield wipers?
  19. Justin

    12v fuel pump mod ? (yes I have searched!!)

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. When we had the 88t running a bunch of piggyback computers an stuff there was a really bad hesitation when pressing the gas at idle. It was horrible. I did the 12volt mod and it damn near cleared it up 100%
  20. Justin

    12v fuel pump mod ? (yes I have searched!!)

    What? Do you mean inform people who are uninformed? What it does is, instead of having 9 volts going to the fuel pump when the ECU deems nessesary it has 12 volts going to it constantly. Personally I think I'm going to run 8 gauge amplifier wire all the way back from the battery, do...