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  1. IBoughtASupra

    Shit just got real **

    Ok okay, the more important thing here is, are you willing to rent that Windows 7 cd? :D
  2. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    John Reed lives by Motec and he does many many cars. Everyone who has had their car tuned and fitted with a Motec pretty much won't complain about a darn thing.....except the price. :D If you ask Reed why he uses it, he will rattle off until you stop him and I have done research on their...
  3. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    There was another funny thing he said. "You don't need safety features because the fastest cars in the world run carbs." I wouldn't trust him with a pile of poo, much less a modified car.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    1JZ Build..HKS...Greddy..ACT..Chrome..You Might Like It.Dont Hate :)

    I havent done much to the car as I have been busy with getting school stuff ready. I did have a day off today and went out with my friend to pick up some ID1000s from a local shop, Enzo Racing. We talked to the owner, Enzo, and got on the topic of standalones. I asked what he liked and he...
  5. IBoughtASupra

    Looking for a used car, possibly GS300

    Daily driver. Get a 2000 and upward Corolla, you'd be happy.
  6. IBoughtASupra

    data loggers???

    Get a AEM or similar wideband and a piggyback and time from there. I don't know anything that does data logging except a Maft pro which is a higher end piggyback.
  7. IBoughtASupra

    My Supra vibrates heavily after acceleration.

    One piece wins here. The one piece helped solve the problem as you wouldn't have went under the car unless you had the one piece. :P
  8. IBoughtASupra

    Tax return; Funds to start shop on the side? Advise within...

    Start on your own, we waited many years before getting into the business. Its best to do it on your own as you will have control and less conflict. I have seen situations were the owners don't agree on how to do a certain setup and that leads to arguments and a split up, yes, something that...
  9. IBoughtASupra

    Improving Factory Brakes

    Mike, when you say not to run the drilled setup on a road car, do you mean street or road coarse. Just wanted to verify.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    Improving Factory Brakes

    Are the different break fluids like Tilton and Endless worth it? I understand the higher boiling points but anything more than that? Maybe different physical properties so it doesn't break down quickly?
  11. IBoughtASupra

    Haltech PS1000

    You said "flying lead harness.". That is a full length unterminated harness where you just put the wires to the plug. If you have a jumper harness, then you will need the diagram as you are still using the stock harness. I was just going off what you said.
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Pro EFI StandAlone ECU

    Larry is on SupraMania!?
  13. IBoughtASupra

    CPS nightmare Need help.

    I was thinking more of a JZ swap but he is short on cash....:eek2:
  14. IBoughtASupra

    CPS nightmare Need help.

    Hey Albert, you know what solves all his issues?
  15. IBoughtASupra

    CPS nightmare Need help.

    It would give a hard time starting, so you'd need to keep the throttle open for it to idle. Man, you need a better harness. That one just looks brittle.
  16. IBoughtASupra

    First 7mgte Rebuild

    Thats cool. He hasn't done work for me BUT I have friends who have had their motors done by him and they are all happy. Keep in mind....I am in NY and its a 10 hour drive each way. A drive that long is not bad, just get a few friends where you can either take turns driving or to keep a...
  17. IBoughtASupra

    First 7mgte Rebuild

    .020 on the rebuild. Saves the block if you want to do anything in the future.
  18. IBoughtASupra

    Improving Factory Brakes

    Drilled and slotted rotors would help. If you want any more braking power, a BBK would do it.