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  1. MK3.0dudeman

    TT 1UZ MKIII on

    It looks sick!First tt 1uz i've seen to
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    NJ Supra Club

    OOO yes I did 100% of it.It takes very long and you can hear everything.If I were you I wouldnt do it but if you just love racing I would say do it. everywere you go theres 240 and civic lovers
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    NJ Supra Club

    sorry man I just fixed it.You want to sell that porsche bov yet?
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Englishtown End of the year meet

    QWIKSTRIKE is there going to be a rian date just incase?
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    R.H.D turbo "garbage" from France

    It's a nice car man and I think your the first member from paris.The only thing thats a must is loose the auto and make it 5speed
  6. MK3.0dudeman

    So who wants to autocross there supra?

    It is 45$ to run 8 runs and if your a scca member than it's 35$ You can pay online for pre registration or just walk in.Get there early tho so you can learn the corse. Heres some more info
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    So who wants to autocross there supra?

    I love road racing to and thats what I'm building my car for to but auto x makes you a better driver/racer like any racing and for me I look at it as entry leavel racing befor I really start getting hardcore and it's cheap fun and some what local.I say just do it only cause it's not just going...
  8. MK3.0dudeman

    So who wants to autocross there supra?

    Well I try to get out there as much as I can.But no supras ever want to do it with me.Now I don't need a history lesson on supra owners or how they race there cars but come on throw a dog a bone over here.Well I know theres a few of you out there who do it and a few more who think about doing...
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    How do you keep your supra cool?

    I can't belive that this thread hasent taken off yet.What dose every body on sm have stock itercoolers and stock oil coolers?come on I want to see what everybody has and com on you big ballers I want to see your cool set up's.
  10. MK3.0dudeman

    Anyone ever dye or paint their interior?

    I used the duplicolor and I loved the way it came out.I didnt do my dash yet but I did everything esle so on saturday I might take the dash out so it's all done.For the plastic things I would use krylon semi flat cause it looks oem and matches well with the duplicolor.I'll get some pics up when...
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    The $2008 Grassroots challenge build-up thread

    WOW the car is coming along together nicey.I love how you did the cage.It looks bad ass.Also how hard was it to install your ic pipeing cause I see that you have a 90degree bend going back the othere way.I was going to buy a fmic off a local kid but I didnt cause that looked like a was...
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    Gas tank leaking!!!!!

    I got mine from a friend who parted out his supra
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    were going to stone you and people like you.j/k but really you must pay:icon_evil
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Gas tank leaking!!!!!

    I wish man.Maybe one day I will
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    yea I hate sleepy eyes on a supra but I do love pre 89 bumpers!!
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    I cant belive I've never seen this website befor.They seem to be real good.How long has it been around for?
  17. MK3.0dudeman

    Gas tank leaking!!!!!

    This happens a lot my car still has it.I have a new tank thats finally going in next week.One thing I have to ask is did you remove your charcol canister? cause somtimes it's because theres to much presser in there but if not just try and look in the junk yards,look around here in the f/s...
  18. MK3.0dudeman

    How do you keep your supra cool?

    -well you can ad a trans cooler for a 5speed it's takes a lot of moding -ooo I know the jdm way:naughty:and I don't think it's cool at all -I mean ducting unless sombody came up with somthing out of this world -thats nuts.The big joke with me and onejarpus is we call our friends and ask them...
  19. MK3.0dudeman

    How do you keep your supra cool?

    So I'm still trying to think were I'm going to put all my coolers and I have been looking around at everyones ideas but I was thinking we should have them all in one lets see you oil cooler,trans cooler,power steering cooler,brake cooler,intercooler,diff cooler,ect ect.Please post up...
  20. MK3.0dudeman

    Interested in KW V3 Coilovers?

    I'm down like a clown.I want in!!I already got most of the details from what I have read.