I love bond movies I've seen the first 21 but I like all the older one's.I didn't like casino royal.I'm going to see the new one but I just think that the new one's are to busy.I think the last good one was the world is not enough.
But hey anything is better than the man with the golden gun.
I've seen a few that look good on supras.I'm just not into them to much.But I do love some wild crazy jap cars that have them were they go with the look of the car and don't look dumb
I wish that would happen up here cause than I would fill up when it's 5 bucks a gallon and than 3-4 weeks later when no one has gas I would drive fast on all the high ways since theres not other cars.SWEAT!!
no but for real that sucks
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA idk why but I lol'd myself when I read this.It's not even funny but just how you wrote it out it made me got nuts.I'm sorry you guys could say I'm retarted now
you got that right..it's sad but ture
damn you beat me to it.
I have one but I took hella pic's and I was going to have a long write up on it but I was going to make it as a build thread and than we see the last few pic's you would know that it was a lil rc car and not a real tt-r damn
OO well but yea that thing is fun as...
Well I can't meet up with you guys befor the supra meet cause I have to cash my check so I could go.But I don't think theres going to be a supra meet this year cause of the rian.Im pissed!
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