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  1. Figit090

    Coolant Dilemna

    there we go, thank you for that post. i couldnt remember spicifically what or how it did damage, but i know that it does. the person who told me this last had to purchase a new head because of the pitting.
  2. Figit090

    Coolant Dilemna

    ---------EDIT------please read for changes...there are some better details and better explination on parts. well for one... green isnt as good as red for whatever reason. different mix i think. i've been told bad things about what green coolant can do, and while its hard to believe what i...
  3. Figit090

    Baby Turbo

    thats hilarious... would that lol. you cant even see the friggin engine anymore...
  4. Figit090

    Coolant Dilemna

    because cheap auto parts stores only sell that kind....:3d_frown:
  5. Figit090

    Knocking noise investigation/engine rebuild

    looking good! keep up the good work, i'll be watchin'!!
  6. Figit090

    Asassin - the game.

    oh. well the guys playing seem like they'd be pretty into it. so as far as participation i think it will be fine. thanks for sharing :)
  7. Figit090

    My new daily driver....

    bummer dude. sorry to hear that boostinsupragirl - awesome cars.
  8. Figit090

    Asassin - the game.

    Hey, has anyone ever played a real-life game where you try to "assasinate" the other players? Basically you're given a "mark" and you have to eliminate them with fake "weapons" such as tobasco sauce for "poison" or a little piece of paper with a picture of a bomb stuck somewhere the person...
  9. Figit090

    boy this saddens me...

    that was awesome...
  10. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    pm sent. i'm off to bed. :)
  11. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    a porno site. j/k its a peer-to-peer torrent download site. like torrentspy . com
  12. Figit090

    boy this saddens me...

    damn! that sucks! i never knew all that! and i thought california sucked! lol... well at least if your car gets banned you can sell it and upgrade to a 1992! not sure you'd want to...but you could! lol stay in the mkIII world...stay happy...ish.
  13. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    ok, i talked with a friend some more and as i understand there aren't penalties to i just have to worry about making sure i seed as much as i download, or more. i think i can do that. i have beatles and a bunch of other popular artists, and full albums of everything i have (ripped my...
  14. Figit090

    Won a car show

    i've heard the stock oil pressure is a bad gauge. u might think about getting a more accurate one... but i've just heard that. mine seems to work fine! :) so what was it like going from 7mge to 1jz-gte? i've NEVER driven a turbo...or any other supra than my very own N/A.
  15. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    what would your ratio mean to me? if you can invite me, i'd assume any invite is as good as the next. the only thing i know about their policies is that you cant sell me the invite. lol...THEN you will loose your account. -----EDIT--------- but uh...i assume you just seed what you have...
  16. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    well maybe i'll wait, and learn a bit more, before i say yes and thank you. i dont know exactly how it terms of the ratio and their strict policies... i'm assuming to stay on their good side you and the people you invite have to upload about or close to as much as you download...
  17. Figit090

    boy this saddens me...

    10 dollars a gallon? i dont care how much i like cars i'd be on a bike. period unless wages are much higher...
  18. Figit090

    Looking for an invite to Oink's Pink Palace

    OK...trying again for a different site. Now its Oink's Pink Palace, before it was about demonoid, which i still havent gotten into, but i've learned this is a good site and i really cannot join without an invite because there is no registrations available... i can wait for the open register time...
  19. Figit090

    boy this saddens me...

    its true... and yeah...i thought about how the engine was probably on its way to being swapped out....since the rest of the car looked pretty nice...but still. could have been put to better use...probably. sold maybe...or used to fix another car like it. but then dunno if that would have...
  20. Figit090

    boy this saddens me...

    sorry...fixed it.