Search results

  1. Justin

    Remote Starters w/cool down timers

    Damn, you just said exactly what I say on a damn near daily basis :)
  2. Justin

    Coolant temp sensor thread size??

    Arn't you the one that said you crossthreaded yours and it ended up fine?
  3. Justin

    Here is a nice 92 w/ shadow grey interior I found for sale!

    Damn. Damn. Damn. If that were a targa top, I'd probably fly down there and buy it :\
  4. Justin

    Tacoma Help

    I'm trying to find out as much as I can about the ~00 - ~04 Tacomas. My dad is looking at replacing his F150 with one. i can't seem to find much information about the differences in the packages, years, interior, exterior, etc. on the web.... can anyone link me to a decent forum? Or if anyone...
  5. Justin

    Tanabe Super Hyper Medallion

    Cool, that's good to know. Since I posted that, I've been looking at some pictures and its starting to grow on me :p
  6. Justin

    Tanabe Super Hyper Medallion

    Eh, I'm not the biggest fan of the looks, but I'd prefer a great functioning system over a good looking system. I prefer the look of my Carbon Ti over it, but I'd prefer something a little quieter :)
  7. Justin

    Tanabe Super Hyper Medallion

    Is this one of those JDM exhausts that advertise being 3 inch but tapers down halfway through? What's the narrowest point, anyone know? I've heard its the quietest around... Kinda a fan of that :)
  8. Justin

    Emergency brake light

    Blinker fluid? The starter relay is located in the passenger kick panel. Its green.
  9. Justin

    Remote Starters w/cool down timers

    hehe, we both work at Circuit. I think the only reason he wants a Clifford is for the flashy remote ;) The downside to that is if your remote ever breaks you can't swap it out at work :)
  10. Justin

    What all would it take to run 680cc injectors?

    I second that about the 550s working better with the 440 chip... couldn't commend on the 680's though ;)
  11. Justin

    Remote Starters w/cool down timers

    Python 990 = :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Did you say these were directed units you were selling?
  12. Justin

    Lower Coolant hose

    Did not fit otherwise. It straightened the bends too much and we all know what happens when you do that :\ It fits just fine now, but like i said.... 20 bucks after tax. pics to come
  13. Justin

    Lower Coolant hose

    just got home from workin on the car.... bought the part, and put it in! Defiantly a nicer route than stock :) I did have to cut both ends of the hose where I only heard of one end having to be cut. Whatever though, still is a great upgrade, imo. It also makes the oil filter...
  14. Justin

    Lower Coolant hose

    That's the one! I JUST found it on SF too. Lucky for me, Napa has one in stock!
  15. Justin

    Lower Coolant hose

    I'm going to replace my lower coolant hose with the one that doesnt' look like a roller coaster track today.... The problem is, I cannot find the thread that says what car its from! Can anyone point this thread out, please! My search skills suck and I just waisted 15 minutes trying to...
  16. Justin

    Gauges with a Pioneer DVD screen

    As far as I know, the only way to do that is to buy an HKS CAMP setup.
  17. Justin

    Defi Question

    Those of you with Defi link gauges.... If you put your gauges moreo than 8 inches apart how did you do it? the cable that is included to go from gauge to gauge is only 8 inches long... did you just cut and extend?
  18. Justin

    Replacement Speakers Sound Worse-Advice Please

    I have those Yellow Cone pioneers off my 500/1. they sound really good, I'm pretty happy with them. I need to do a little bit of sound deadening in the doors, and a little more work but I think once all is said and done they will sound really nice.