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    See u guys there!
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    Official Masterpower dyno results thread!

    soon ill have one, just refining my setup
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    Shine's Spec V Diffuser debut

    wow it just complements the abflug rears so well
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    Shine's Spec V Diffuser debut

    you can count me in once theres a gb ;)
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    rebuilt gte or 1uz

    nice, when can i come by to see this thing
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    What Has Rob Been Up To? (PICS!)

    car looks clean! id like to see it up close one day......maybe one day at one of our local meets
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    E-Town 2009 Pictures and Videos

    haha the USC28R car is my daily, i had my bro drive it that day. its brown on stock springs and bilsteins on the lowest perch heres bryans video (viper92086) i didnt see it posted yet
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    E-Town 2009 Pictures and Videos

    Nice pics...I couldn't find ya after we met at the gates lol nice sc
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    Is this NEW turbo done?

    if its a journal bearing its shouldnt keep spinning and will eventually stop because theres no oil film for the bearing to spin on since the car is off
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    mk3 supra 7mge-t

    heres a pic of mine, excused the long ass wires...ive since replaced them and buttoned up quite a few things since the picture was taken 7M-GE turbo/GTE electronics
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    fog lights dont work?

    do the foglight rewire, somehow stock they are are connected, so u gotta do the rewire
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    ***The Black Supras Thread***

    wow rodel, car is looking must have lots of wheels in your garage...LOL
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    heres a lil preview...

    heres a lil preview
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    calling out all ge-t builders!!! NOT gte swappers!!!

    it runs great so far, its my newest setup.....i recently upgraded from a ct26 ive had for 4 yrs for some reason i havnt hit fuel cut, running hks vpc + gcc heres some pics of my progression
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    calling out all ge-t builders!!! NOT gte swappers!!!

    heres my latest revision....almost complete dont mind the long ass wires, they are being replaced
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    New Rims for an old ride. UPDATE!!! Post #36 with new pics!

    siick wheels, ive been dying to get a set for my car
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    may 29....pocono raceway...pda driving school..........LETS GO

    may 29....pocono raceway...pda driving school..........LETS GO
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    yo autox was FTW....whens the next time we are going?! o btw where are the pictures and did you...

    yo autox was FTW....whens the next time we are going?! o btw where are the pictures and did you check the stats....heheheheh
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    7mge-t, Im sick of blowing up turboes!

    ^sounds like a great idea! btw drain should atleast be a -10 feed is a -4 line