Search results

  1. 91Supra313

    Door Lock Cylinder INTERCHANGEABILITY ??????

    Do you mean this part????? If you need the actuator or anything else, try ebay. I found enough parts between autozone and ebay to rebuild your door in minutes.
  2. 91Supra313

    240sx or Supra?

    Like a few on here are saying. If you want a good DD, then go ahead and grab a 240. I owned a 92 240, and loved it. Only reason I got rid of it was because I started working as a contractor. If you only do maint on it and not go balls to the wall with mods, then it will last a very long time...
  3. 91Supra313

    240sx or Supra?

    Apparently he needs pics to look at instead of reading......
  4. 91Supra313

    King, acl, or clevite bearings?

    Those bearings will be fine. As long as it is built right the bearings will be fine. Make sure everything is within spec and it will last.
  5. 91Supra313

    King, acl, or clevite bearings?

    If there is nothing wrong with it, then why touch it? No point in changing something that isn't failing.
  6. 91Supra313

    2jz vs 7m reliablity? hope this isnt too noob of a question.

    Personally I know a lot of people that would like to find out where you are getting a MHG for $100.... I paid way more then that..... As far as reliability, yeah 7Ms have a HG problem, but if you take care of it ( HG ) then you wont have an issue. Every motor has problems, most of the time it is...
  7. 91Supra313

    1960 bug, now I have my Supra back

    wow man, the interior and exterior is like night and day. Exterior looks like it went through WW3. That interior looks damn good though!
  8. 91Supra313

    wire tucking project

    Hey man that white wire looks familiar! lol
  9. 91Supra313

    wire tucking project

    So I'm guessing the wire got there ok? Glad to hear it is almost finished. I can't wait to see it in person in just over a week! Maybe you can give me some pointers.
  10. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    Good! Glad to hear that it is out and on the road again! Once I get home, after I rebuild the basement, I will be replacing a ton of stuff on the supra so....It will be done in about 2 days ( after I get home of course )
  11. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

  12. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    yes ma'am
  13. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    Not my fault you live that far away. Move closer so you won't have to say that kind of stuff next time. lol. Ivan made a trip from GA..... Can't remember his SN but he came over to visit..... so no excuses.
  14. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    Ok but I need you to email me on the 3rd to remind me to text you to remind you about the 6th.
  15. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    Wow, so noone near Clarksville or Nashville wants to come and BBq and have a good time? I guess I just live in a horrible area for meets
  16. 91Supra313

    89 turbo project name: pigybnk

    So, how much have you put into this pigybnk?
  17. 91Supra313

    Headlight covers!

    I am praying that this is sarcasm as well.......:nono:
  18. 91Supra313

    89 turbo project name: pigybnk

    That is going to be one bad ass 2J man. I can only hope to get this position at Pax River so we can meet up and cruise around. Are they hiring where you work? That is some serious cash put into this.....I want your job.
  19. 91Supra313

    Budget boost build

    I ran a T70 at 15 psi, 550s, walbro pump, and VPC and Fcon and not a single code on stock ECU ( non JDM )
  20. 91Supra313

    Clarksville area

    Hey guys and gals, I will be returning home just before the 4th of July from contracting overseas and am inviting anyone local or those that want to make a trip to a bbq and Supra gathering that weekend (6th or 7th). I should be finished swaping out what I need to swap out on my Supra by then so...