My car came with a clear coat. I do get paint trasnfer but its only on the nose panel where there is no clear coat anymore (flaked off) and my targa which just started to flake.
Wait im interested in this too. I got a replcament clutch fan from A2 Automotive Express when they were around. Are you saying I should get a Toyota OEM Turbo fan clutch?
So i went to get the car aligned today and when it came time to get the rear camber adjusted nothing would move. The bolt would just spin but it wouldnt move the camber in or out. So i figure i need new bolt and bushings but those all cost quite a bit so i figure i may as well get better...
Thanks man, hope one day the engine bay will be as clean as yours. :love:
The heat shield needs to have that piece trimmed off to fit, im going to do it in the coming weeks. Previous owners didnt do it so they had the oil line snaking around stuff it bugged me. The horn bent forward? Eh i...
Now with new pics!
of course for pre89 lovers
Engine bay shot a little dirty.
I asked around about the tire pressure between 32-40 is ok depending on driving conditions. So i have mine at 33.5 cold.
hmm perhaps youre right about the 40psi to seat tire. Im running 33psi cold and when the tires get hot its 36psi. I figured this should be fine. I remember seeing something on the tire that said max 50psi i THINK not 100% sure.
Lol poodles of course i took the sticker off.
As far as the...
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