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  1. Justin

    Last R154 question before i do the swap.

    Clutch safety switch, and cruise control kill. I cannot tell you exactly how to do it wire for wire but the jist of it is you're going to have to bypass that sensor. More than likely jumper a two pin plug. (chances are)
  2. Justin

    Indiglo gauge wiring

    Yeah, Don't look your gauges upto the dimmer switch, you will destroy it. Ask me how I know. The way I did it on my buddies civic was using a relay to hook upto the dimmer switch. Its worked so far but I don't know if that's safe on a supra. I left mine hooked to my dimmer switch after...
  3. Justin

    Coin Holder with the flip top.

    Why is the coin holder different between years? I just got a coin holder from a member that actually has a flip top that works. Its about an inch an a half shorter in depth. Any reason for that?
  4. Justin

    Igniter/Coil System

    Would you mind giving a crash course on the workings of the ecu-->igniter-->coil circuit? Its something I've never understood 100% and now that Kens mod has surfaced I'd like to understand the things I'm messing with as well as I can. I did search google and howstuffworks with no...
  5. Justin

    Targa top/How I love it

  6. Justin

    Targa top/How I love it

    Every time I drive my supra with the top off, especially on a reasonably warm evening, it makes the 1000's I've put into it worth it. That's all.
  7. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    Kinda an FYI for you guys posting on club lexus and other forums.... go to and search for your region. I just found a guy in Eugene that got all three with the plugs and the harness plugs for 80 bucks shipped to my door. Most junk yards will ship stuff to you....
  8. Justin

    How to: MAFT Pro Timing Monitor

    Do you lose anything by clipping the resistor? Is this a trade off for a different feature? It sounds like the answer to my question is NO, based on the fact that clipping the the resistor just changes something to do with the MAF input and when doing speed density I wouldn't think that...
  9. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    hahaha what the hell does that mean?! :D btw: I called champion. New these are 88 bucks each. That doesn't include the additional plug wire, or a harness.
  10. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    I think something like this would be BADASS. Sorry for the horrible drawing, I'm at my parents place with no Adobe. Obviously the lines are vents, and I think having the 7mgte cut out where I marked with an anadized(red, blue, black, whatever) plate under it would look perfect.
  11. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    I'm excited about this man. I'm going to be doing a FFIM soon as well and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the stock coil setup.
  12. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    It would be neat to have somethign with 7M-GTE cut out of it, assuming someone makes it in CAD. That would be neat. I've always wanted to make something that will make the entire top of the engine more streamline. What would change over time? I mean if it works now, wouldn't it work...
  13. Justin

    Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup

    First off, I just want to say that's great you finally did something about that damn coil pack. I LOVE your engine bay and have always hoped that you were going to do something with that big old thing soon! I read a little fast, but I didn't see how much you spent on everything? Did I miss...
  14. Justin

    I have a question about optima batteries...

    As everyone said... the blue top is just a deep cycle. There's a few MK4 guys I've seen run them... Why I don't know. I've had my red top for a little over a year and I have never had a single issue with it.
  15. Justin

    Very sexy FFIM

    Like I said man, Just curious :)
  16. Justin

    Very sexy FFIM

    Just for sheer curiosity, if I were to send you a FFIM what would that cost? the powder coating.
  17. Justin

    Turbo coolant line recirculation?

    I remember reading something on SF saying it was a really bad idea to just block the ports off instead of recirculating it. Just something to consider... whoever said it back in the day could have been totally wrong :)
  18. Justin

    The Build of p5150 - 2JZGE-T, GT4294, Paint, and more stuff

    Great to see you finally got that engine in there!
  19. Justin

    vacuum manifold installation? who has one?

    I found a great place when I bought my Golden Eagle one. It was cheaper than I'd ever seen it... like, 40 bucks shipped I think. I'll look when i get home, I'm pretty sure I still have the emails.