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  1. IBoughtASupra

    Hey Supramaniacs!

    Welcome! Nice! Post up some pictures!
  2. IBoughtASupra

    help on engine choices for my ford v8 swapped fc rx7 build

    I'll never understand the reasoning behind making a thread when you have your decision already set in stone.
  3. IBoughtASupra

    Prosport Gauge In Cluster Install question

    I assume you don't have cruise control on your car, the plug for the cruise control button on the left panel by the steering wheel has ground, switched power and an illumination source. I have used it numerous times.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    Version 3: 2JZ HX40 NA-T

    I see a few GM sensor plugs. American stuff is good for something. :D
  5. IBoughtASupra

    1986.5 7mge -> 2jzge my very first build.

    Get a clutch rated higher than you need. When you will be hammering the car and launching, the heat will make it slip. Dragging a car always adds more stress, so give yourself some overhead.
  6. IBoughtASupra

    General questions for a general thread

    No! You use a copper washer on the side that screws into the block. Tighten it down and be careful not to strip the threads. No loctite or tape needed.
  7. IBoughtASupra

    92 supra 7mgte cutting out at 2800

    You either have a TPS that needs adjusting or a AFM that's not plugged in or not working properly. Post codes first and we'll get back to you.
  8. IBoughtASupra

    ignition making noise

    The wastegates for the turbo are not working properly. Weh meh doubles at? ;)
  9. IBoughtASupra

    Catch can mounting on your MKIII JZ swap.

    You cap the stock PCV port on the throttle body.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    anyone interested in cnc'd billet parts? (valve covers, block off plates,coil covers)

    This makes sense. I wrote my only blog after I got PMs from people who wanted my part for a low ball price and wanted me to cover fees and shipping costs as well.
  11. IBoughtASupra

    Catch can mounting on your MKIII JZ swap.

    No, that is not true. You should have vacuum for any catch can. Some people vent the can which is like leaving the PCV open to the atmosphere. It's best to have the valve covers to the inlet and vacuum pull on the outlet as that is what pulls your fumes and vapors out to the cover.
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Catch can mounting on your MKIII JZ swap.

    Use 87turbosupra's location. Same as Toyotanos as well. My can fits there perfectly.
  13. IBoughtASupra

    Possible ignition break up issue?

    Don't close the gap, it's not needed. If you were getting blowout, okay, but not at that boost level. You should try another set of coil packs or have you already?
  14. IBoughtASupra

    Possible ignition break up issue?

    Ignition break up issue is very common on the JZ's and their problem are the cracked coils after such a long time of use. You cannot really tell the strength of a coil using its OHM reading. Do they have any cracks? I have seen this issue, not the break up, but the missing at idle problem on...
  15. IBoughtASupra

    Car Wont Start

    Giggle the CPS wires and then try and see if it starts. Checked for codes?
  16. IBoughtASupra

    89+ Targa barely running and 89+ slick top paperweight lol

    Welcome. Post some pictures up. There are a lot of people here in the AZ area.
  17. IBoughtASupra

    top plate on the valve lifter

    Did you look in the TSRM? It says it in detail.
  18. IBoughtASupra

    The engine of insanity....

    Wow. That's some power.
  19. IBoughtASupra

    ? About R154 and W58 bellhousing to block "sandwich" plates

    7M plate yes, the W58 and R154 are the same. On a JZ setup, it's a rubber insert that goes into the opening on the oil pan.