Thats crazy that both of them got stolen and than you got them both back!!Thats nuts and I think it's funny that one day went by and you got a new supra.Well good luck with everything now.
I threw up when I saw it and than i kept looking at my throw up cause it looks better than that thing.I want to see these video posted on supraforums.Than we'll here some fun things
damn i didnt want to show you guys the car till it was done.So how do you like it? LOL
No but for real I feel bad for that thing but the owner deserves every tomato thats thrown at him
Is there any way to keep the stock twins with out having to bang out the fire wall?
Word on the street is us usdm twins,and manifold and it's spose to clear.Im not sure if thats right but that is what I heard.I tryed searching and got nothing so I'm guessing it's b.s.Any other way??
Word, check out cee's myspace. i also have them on my comp. Also check out Cee, Jesus, and I just signed up for the 21st and probably for the 28th. We registered for SCCA which isn't bad only cost me 30 bux to register + 35 for the event!!! HElla cheap. Cee's old ass had to pay 85...
and it did.
I have heard from some one with a 7M who got there motor from jasper that they did not like the work.I'm not going with any of them.
Do they do it them selfs or do they send it out?At that I might as well just get it done some were around here.
anybody know of any good...
Thanks for the imput guys.Keep it coming.The only other thing I want to know is if I rebuild it at a shop what would the ball park figure be to rebuild the bottom end,balance crank,check head,clean head,adjust valves(if needed),and deck the head and block as needed for new hg(not metal)?
So has anybody got a rebuilt motor from them?I know that there good sellers but do they put a motor together nicely?Or shouls I go the path of getting my motor rebuilt at a shop or should I do it myself.I have rebuilt motors in the past but never on my own car that I'm dumping money into.Let me...
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