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  1. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    Cam/Crank/IGF He hasn't said he doesn't have pulse yet as he didn't test that. He just checked the 12V source on each injector pin. Let's see if he can get the fuel to be more after the dampener. Remove dampener, check if there is any clog. You can bypass it with a banjo bolt. It weird...
  2. IBoughtASupra

    Project 2.5GT!

    Oooooo. That's how that flex fuel works. E-85 isn't here in NY so ehh, race gas for me.
  3. IBoughtASupra

    General questions for a general thread

    Those are VSVs. Take a look here to see what they control. One is for the EGR and the other, don't quote me, is for the fuel pressure regulator. Can't really tell where to first one goes to.
  4. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    Hmmm. It shouldn't. Change it out and see if it helps. Let me make it clear, the 1J has many issues that are caused by that simple fuel line. Pulse is everytime the ECU grounds the injector to fire. You will need a NOID light to test it. Lets work on getting close to the same pressure that...
  5. IBoughtASupra

    OHIO thread

    Dude, Bernadette is hot. She has some nice pillows. :D
  6. IBoughtASupra

    Project 2.5GT!

    I thought the flex fuel sensor is a GM one?
  7. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    What does the pulse look like? I believe and I will look into it when I get home but...if there is no confirmation from the igniter that the coils fired, the injectors get shut off? Anyone know this for sure?
  8. IBoughtASupra

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    If that bird could blow that turbo whistle, that would be sweet.
  9. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    Hmm. Well when you go to the dyno, you'll see where you start running out of fuel.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    Same size injector, different body?
  11. IBoughtASupra

    1st time owner.......just purchased,

    *Mutters To Self..."Must Find Tracy's Picture..."*
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    How big of a turbo? You are limited on the stock bottom end. Going past 800 is the zone where the blocks don't really last. Then again, SP has a 9 second stock block car. I say, you get it tuned now see what you make and then decide on the turbo. What size is the turbo on the car right now?
  13. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    OOOOOOOOOO F*** DUDE!? You have 1700CC injectors for way less! I guess you are in store for some freaking power! Look at the injector and see if you can get a part number! Those are definitely the injectors you have!!
  14. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    To elaborate on what another member said, Start the car, let it stall. Check to see if you still have 12V at the injector pin. Don't cycle the key once it stalls, leave it in the run position and check the pins for the 12V.
  15. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    Are you sure those are it? Your injectors have a thinner body while the one you posted are the old Bosch style.
  16. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    It should be the same amount if the car is not running. If its less, I'd suspect a weak pump.
  17. IBoughtASupra

    Newgen's 2jzgte Swap

    Nice. What injectors are those? IDs? EDIT: Now that I look, they look like FIC injectors?
  18. IBoughtASupra

    New to SM!

    Welcome! There is a lot of 2JZ-GE-T info. There are a few members doing build in the build section. Take a look and read up.
  19. IBoughtASupra

    HELP 1jzgte starts and dies *video

    You may have a kinked line. Go through your fuel system and check all lines.