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  1. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Id love to own a completely original model. I wouldn't even mod it, that's one car I wouldn't be able to bring myself to mod.
  2. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Toyota released in 2002 supra memorbilia on CD's you may be right there might be extra cars out there. But according to the info on the CD's production was only 500 cars
  3. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    ^ my response is right above yours lol (i cant say for sure but im pretty positive going off the articles i have)
  4. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Most of the Japanese Articles i have on the turbo A all state that production was limited to 500 cars order only.
  5. JDMMA70

    Mk3 Production Dates.

    i might be able to get you a rough estimate.
  6. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    We know for sure it was only 500. Specs of the car they were all Black Hardtops (Colour Code 202, with all the Turbo A badging) with Grey leather interior. Had the standard Pre89 radio and manual A/C controls (A/C was optional). Bilstein shocks, standard springs. The seats were manual crank...
  7. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Here's a theory at the start of 1988 excluding the first and the last week of the year, Toyota could've made 10 turbo A's a week. At the end of 1988 they would've made 500. It would explain why some have different harnesses.
  8. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Upon more research it seems Toyota did make Turbo A's well before the August 88 facelift. So far, ive found May and June builds. Some with Pre89 body harnesses, some with 89+. Some with Pre89 engine harnesses and some with 89+. This is getting interesting. I havent found any made before or...
  9. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Holy crap! This is a genuine Turbo A. Built 5 months before its actual production run. This is either a Preproduction or the FIRST turbo A built.
  10. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    What gets me is that engine harness. Its Pre89, but has all the extra plugs the turbo A harness had only in Pre89 fashion. Body harness is also Pre89. The turbo A's built in September were all grey plugs.
  11. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    I get what hes saying but thats not it. What hes saying is any car built in Aug 88 onwards would be considered the 89 model in the states but still a 88 model in Japan. Im saying turbo A were built between Sept and October of 88. But Beefy's frame number indicates it was built in April of...
  12. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    But Beefy's frame number indicates his turbo A was built in April of 88
  13. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Man your turbo A is a real early model, they didnt even start using the newer body panels until Aug of 88. Maybe the turbo A got the face lift earlier than the other cars.
  14. JDMMA70

    Early Vs Late 7M Blocks

    MA71 on the VIN MA70 on the firewall Turbo A's were made between Sept and October of 88. Mine was made in June of 88. I have the newer style block, dunno what crank but most likely the 6M. The Turbo A should have the later style block with the 6M crank.
  15. JDMMA70

    Roadrage much? What a tool!

    lol wheres a Integra Type R it wouldve been a bigger slap in the face to get chased down by one of those.
  16. JDMMA70

    Early Vs Late 7M Blocks

    ive seen a total of four late 88's so far that have the later style block so im wondering if they got them factory since it was so close to the 89 production date of Aug 88
  17. JDMMA70

    Motul 8100 0W-40

    Really? I was reading up on BITOG and thought i had read something that said something along the lines of that only the 0W-40, and 0W-30 8100's were ester based the others being PAO. But if this is ester based then sweet ill see how well it cleans up. When i had the head rebuilt the machinist...
  18. JDMMA70

    Early Vs Late 7M Blocks

    Im starting to think Late 88's came with the late blocks. My 88 (June 88) has the Late style block and the original head casting was a #12 ive got a #14 on it right now.
  19. JDMMA70

    Mk3 Production Dates.

    Look on your door jamb itll tell you when it was made. PM the last six digits of your vin and i can tell you when it how many were made that month it was made.
  20. JDMMA70

    Motul 8100 0W-40

    So my buddy told me about the wrong oil. I ended up get 6L of 8100 X-cess 5W-40. I believe this is a PAO oil im not 100% sure. However since my birthday is coming up soon he's sending me 6qts of Redline 0W40 as a gift. Anyways I filled up with the Motul and plan to run it for 5000 miles since I...