we'll really its 98% but for real guys I've seen a few do good jobs on and if it chips or flakes it's like a 5 year or life time warranty on it.
But for real guys I could care less cause it's not getting painted any time soon and I don't want you guys to think that I'm fighting you guys.I...
I was thinking of painting it my self but I really have no where to do it.Plus you can get a great paint job a macco that last long.I've seen it many time(I wont let them paint the supra cause I need it to be 100%)But they will do a good job just as long as you bring them the paint,the clear,you...
So I picked up a 94 del sol sir vtec model.It has 196,XXX miles on it and it rides like it has 60K on it.I got the car for a steal 1,000 bucks!!00 and cops love the car lol
Ima school you guys on some del sol 411 in 94 in the u.s they made a del sol s witch was ass a si witch had a 1.6...
I would never pay that.It's a pretty high price for a do do brown supra with tan interior.Keep looking you could find something a lot nicer for that price or a car in the same shape for a lot less.
btw I do like do do brown supras lol
Dude the car looks awesome!!It's efffing clean as hell man.Your black car was cool but you did some real nice work to this one.
You going to etown this week?You rollin down with anybody??
o btw whats your beef with the rs-r.I love em.I think the can looks a little funny and it sticks out a...
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