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  1. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    More then you think. So we should move our side conversation to the new meet thread to keep that bumped up vs last weeks. We had 7 MKIIIs out. Could have had 9 or 10. suprasick was up at friends uncles car is getting body work and painted and Rickstar22 was going to try and make it...
  2. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    Sometimes the passenger side works and it it caused by the driver's side. Maybe a loose connection or something. Reaper_Spurz89 had this problem and it was something stupid like that.
  3. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    Truth be told, don't take offense to this...but I'm just going to pretend you are a guy.
  4. Villy253

    August 11 Toyota Fan club meet at Del taco

    34528 16th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 (Off exit 142B I-5) Sunday August 11, 2013 3:00pm No car restriction. August 4th, Was amazing had a great time. We realized it isn't unusual for our meets to last 8 or more hours just hanging around cruising etc.
  5. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    Just clicked on Faye's profile. I think you are right.
  6. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    Todays meet....LOVED IT freaking awesome! Hope more and more of you guys come out next week!! Or we should all come down when Faye decides to come up here to show him some love! ;p
  7. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    Oh shit sorry dude :/
  8. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    LMAO Why didn't your wifey join in on the fun?
  9. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    I'm hoping for a great turn out this week, not sure what we might do for a drive this time around though.
  10. Villy253

    Del Taco Supra Meet August 4th

    34528 16th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 (Off exit 142B I-5) Sunday August 4, 2013 3:00pm No car restriction. Last week we did the 5 mile drive in Tacoma. Had a great time! Need Moar!! Come on out get your cheap grub. Learn/Teach. Even if your car is bone stock we still love having people...
  11. Villy253

    Supra Meet

    Lol if you ever decide to come to the area just let me know we can hold a meet in your honor.
  12. Villy253

    Supra Drive and Cruise

    500hp or bust bro ;/
  13. Villy253

    Supra Meet

    34528 16th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 (Off exit 142B I-5) Sunday July 28, 2013 3:00pm No car restriction. Come on out and have a good time! Meeting at the Del taco as usual. If I promised you a part for your car I should have it for you this Sunday! ;)
  14. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    Yeah we generally do it on Sundays at Del taco like every week.
  15. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    We don't normally do Saturday because Reaper works graveyards on these nights.
  16. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    Well I called Reaper89 and confirmed he has it right now. Bribe is on the table.
  17. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    I can't remember if I still have it or if I gave it to Reaper89. If I still have it I'll bribe you to come out to one of our meets for it.
  18. Villy253

    New member: 89 7mgte project in Renton, WA looking for meets!

    That looks so sexy. Can't wait for more.
  19. Villy253

    Supra Drive and Cruise

    Alright, I'll think about it a little more.
  20. Villy253

    who's got all the parts cars?

    I think I may have one laying around.