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  1. JDMMA70

    **The Mkiii Supra Gas Mileage Thread**

    Via SuperMoniter and Odometer. 22 hwy 17 city
  2. JDMMA70

    New Lock Cylinder Set Questions

    Im having a hell of day right now. However i need to know if Toyota can no longer get Pre89 Lock Cylinder sets will 89+ lock cylinders bolt right in to a Pre89? Thanks ~JDMMA70
  3. JDMMA70

    Small town car shows

    Yeah i know what you mean. I would like to participate in local shows too but they are only ever Domestic or Euro. I pulled up my Supra once and they turned me around. So i really stopped going out to shows. I wish people were more open minded. I love all cars no matter what make or origin.
  4. JDMMA70

    My Supra Barely Made It Out of A Road Rage Incident!!!

    Glad youre ok man i once raced a SRT-10 Viper Truck quad cab on the freeway once he got so pissed that i beat him on the second run he went early cut in front and jam on the brakes, im surprised my stock brakes saved my ass.
  5. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Picked up a new Stant Superstat 195'F t-stat going to install that this weekend. Ok so i put roughly 5 gallons of gas in the car today and avg. 20-21mpg highway (avg 65mph). 18mpg with the a/c on. So its improved quite a bit. Im wondering if this is as good as its going to get.
  6. JDMMA70

    TopSecret Turbo A Duct on the GT-R

    Saw this last night when a friend showed me. He posted back on the GT-R NA Owners Club where that duct came from. Most of them think its Functional but ugly though.
  7. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Lol! It's Makina from Shikabane Hime, and yeah i know the t-stat slipped my mind i totally forgot about it.
  8. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Havent yet had a chance to check it yet, as its raining outside. Will as soon as the sun comes out well i need to replace the thermostat o ring gasket anyways so this is an excuse to put in a Toyota t-stat and throw the duralast one away.
  9. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Well yeah since i wanted to see if it was indeed bad, i wanted to do that oil heat test shown in the tsrm since i dont have a propane torch. I want to see how the mileage will be now, filling up tommorow and im going to document the miles driven.
  10. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Ok so i put the new o2 sensor on today and tested the resistance of the old one now that its been cut off. 3.7ohms is what i got the spec calls for 3.0-3.6, also my other observation is it sounds like somethings rattling around the inside of the old o2 sensor. Sounds like tiny rock rolling...
  11. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Ok something else caught my eye today. The Water Temp guage wasnt in the middle like i would think it would normally be. (Now it will go to the middle if i sit in traffic long enough) Does that look right? This is after 30min of highway driving. If not would it be the thermostat, or the...
  12. JDMMA70

    To The Fucks Who Tried To Break Into My Home, On The Fourth

    Reading this thread reminded me of a story i heard on the news that made me chuckle. Smart thinking on the kids part wonder what those thieves were thinking when they saw that AR-15 pointed at them haha sounds like the kid...
  13. JDMMA70

    Cool/Rare parts thread?

    Ive seen one i have a pic of it somewhere. Well on the note of narrow body MA70's. I havent seen that many Pre89 JDM MA70's to begin with so of the majority i have seen only one has ever been a narrow body the rest were widebody. They did happen to be 3.0GT Limited though. I dont think ive...
  14. JDMMA70

    Which meshies are these?

    Truth be told those look like SSR Reverse Meshies however another members has the exact rims on the board ill see if i can find his S/N
  15. JDMMA70

    Starter install

    car was on a lift when i did it on my car. A friend who had a shop helped with it. I put on a 92 starter. Had to drop the tranny mount remove the stock engine brace i had to hold a wrench on the nut side while he hit it with the impact on the other. On my friends car we just said fuck...
  16. JDMMA70

    Cool/Rare parts thread?

    To my knowledge only the 1986.5 MA70's were narrow bodies. In 1987 they got the widebody supra. I've got videos of the 86.5 supra. But as for GA70's it seem at least what I can gather from Japanese Owners Club that in 90+ they were all widebody. So I guess we can assume that at some point they...
  17. JDMMA70

    Cool/Rare parts thread?

    Only Pre89 GA70's were narrow body. Some 89's were but majority of late89+ - 93 GA70s were widebody
  18. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Ah alright that makes sense, i get what youre saying. Ok then assuming the new O2 sensor changes nothing because theres no real way i can employ other methods of testing the current O2 sensor. What are some other things i should look into that i havent already thought of?
  19. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    Well the CEL flashed Code 12 after the smoke. After i cleared the code and did it again no more smoke, and the code didnt reappear it only did it when i performed the test which was odd to me. I did the test with the multimeter and probing the diagnostic box, since i couldnt remove the sensor...
  20. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    I got the figure from filling up the tank and recording the milage until the tank was empty. I emptied the tank in one day doing mostly highway driving. I did the o2 sensor test a few minutes ago. Test came out bad. According to the TSRM it says to replace the o2 Sensor. While i was doing the...